Fuck off my roof!! Bloody elephants!

Mar 27, 2008 09:44

I'm off work today. (Yay!) Jessie and I are going out to explore, but a day off is a day off, so I was going to sleep in until nine, nine-thirty. Instead, at seven AM, workmen started banging around in our back patio area. Which is directly outside my room. Rapping on our glass doors, hammering and banging and sawing and talking, opening and closing my screen - they've been out there almost three hours and I don't even know what they're doing! Aside from cleaning up our cluttered and dirty patio. Painting, maybe, as they've done with the main courtyard and the doors, but they haven't painted anything yet. Anyway -

Note to property managers: A LITTLE WARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE. Normally I would be out the front door at seven and wouldn't even care, but some people don't have to be up that early; seven is too early to begin work right outside someone's bedroom door without warning. What if I'd had my blinds open? What if there had been underwear or something strewn around my room? Also, the guys just spent a good half hour moving our grill and extra cat litter and all away from the walls, taking down my lights and the wind chime, and sweeping up the dust that always collects in there. I would have been happy to do that. If you'd warned us. Instead your guys had to waste their time, which will probably cost you more money, and I'm annoyed because I got woken up at seven after less than six hours of sleep and because it's embarrassing that they had to clean up our mess for us. Grargh. >_< This was not handled well, people.

And I still don't know what they're doing, after three hours, but it had better be gorgeous when they're done.

Stolen from irritable_love & beatlejessie:

[A is for age:]

[B is for booze of choice:]
Chocolate Almond Amore at Olive Garden. (Does that even count?)

[C is for career:]
Currently (but gods grant not for much longer), Project Coordinator

[D is for your dog's name:]
Um, no dogs here. Just kitties! Cymbeline & Monet.

[E is for essential items to bring to a party:]
Depends on the type of party. I like to bring M&Ms or assorted bite-sized candy bars!

[F is for favorite song at the moment:]
...um. I can't name one!

[G is for favorite game:]
Munchkin, Rummikub, Scattergories

[H is for hometown:]
Palatine, Illinois

[I is for instruments you play:]
I played a smidge of viola long ago...

[J is for jam or jelly you like:]
Prefer jelly to jam. Strawberry, raspberry... and I found a delicious marmalade over Christmas, but now I can't remember what flavor it was!

[K is for kids?]
Love them, adore them, want them, do not yet have them.

[L is for last kiss?]
Early November

[M is for marital status:]

[N is for name of your crush:]
...um. How about Ono Hikari?

[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
None since that 'birth' thing.

[P is for phobias:]
I can be a little claustrophobic at times.

[Q is for quotes you like:]
Lots and lots, starting with the one in the subject line. Here's one I love: "There is a vitality, a life-force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open... No artist is pleased. [There is] no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others." ~ Martha Graham

[R is for relationship that lasted the longest:]
About a year and a half.

[S is for sexuality:]
Sometimes I worry it's asexual. Moving on!

[T is for time you wake up:]
Around 5:45 AM, against my will.

[U is for underwear:]

[V is for vegetable you love:]
Corn on the cob!

[W is for worst habit:]
Picking the hell out of my cuticles. ^^;; Must quit doing that.

[X is for x-rays you've had:]
Got a few recently for my broken foot. Before that, pretty much just at the dentist.

[Y is for yummy food you make:]
I'm the go-to girl for pumpkin pie! And I can make a pretty decent chicken kiev, too.

[Z is for zodiac sign:]

in my head, meme

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