Superman Returns...Again

Jun 30, 2006 01:05

So I'm getting to be kind of obessive about going to shows the night they open...scratch that to the special midnight showings when they first open with all the other geeks.

Well...tuesday night, I conned Josh into going to see Superman with me. ^_^ It was great just before the opening credits began someone in the front row called out 'Yea! Batman!' and then there was a small bit with words at the beginning so you knew what you were coming into (what with it being 17 years since the last movie and a full 26 since the one where this one picks up) and someone else in the front row put on his best narrator voice and began to read it aloud until everyone around him made him laugh too much to continue.

So naturally, being the obsessive freak that I am...and knowing that this movie takes place after the second pretending that the third and fourth didn't happen, I watched them. Monday night I watched my dvd of 'Superman--the movie.' One with 8 min of additional footage that wasn't seen in theatres in 1977 weaved into it. And then Tuesday before work (partially because I was awoken v. v. early by first Spud panicing because the power went out and second my ma calling to tell me that Pete was in jail.) I got up early and watched the second movie on fast forward in about an hour. I watched the Lois-Clark/Superman moments and fastforwarded through the rest of it. It was great...'oooh look Niagra' scene change to lex 'ah forward, fast forward' etc.
Which really made me realize just how hokey Clark Kent really was in those movies. ^_~
But anyway I digress.

So the new movie...which I shall dub...Superman--the ______-- actually I don't have a good name for this one yet. I refer to the others as Superman--the movie-- Superman--the sequel-- Superman--the comedy-- and Superman--the political activist piece-- in chronological order that is. And having heard that the actors had been contracted to do three of these movies I suppose the group of them will be known [to me] as Superman--the trilogy--but alone, I don't know just yet. Perhaps I need to see it again!

Of course, I just got back from seeing it again. Which is bad because I giggle before the funny scenes start. Must train myself better. know...if anyone wants to see it and needs someone to go with them I'm game...I'll even buy the tickets...^___^

And on that note...I'm taking my geeky ass to bed. OH WAIT I didn't give it a review.
1. I liked it. (though I did hear people after the first saying it was a complete waste of 3 hours --if you include the previews-- and tonight there was a guy trying to argue that it was a chick flick. Ha there we go Superman--the chick flick...nah!)
2. If you even remotely liked either of the first two with Christopher Reeve then you'll like this one too. It's on par with them, I'm not saying you'll absolutely love Brandon but I think he did an excellent job.
3. Apparently more divided than appeal for the movie was appeal for the actress who played Lois. (damn! That girl was skinny...she had no ass!--and this is coming from ME--stick girl) now she didn't look much like any of the other loises but her acting was perfect IMHO, and Tiff will shoot me if I badmouth her.
4. I love, love Kevin Spacey's Lex. Oh...excellent. Oddly enough his Lex reminded me of Michael Rosenbaum's Lex only you know older. Uncanny.
5. If you're going to see it, I suggest seeing it in a theatre--unless you're going to take over 'Sprout's lowerlevel when it comes out--because the effects while stunning are flawlessly woven into the movie.
6. If you'd like to watch either of the previous movies before hand I've got copies...if you'd like a short synopsis of them...I can do that too. After all that's what I gave Josh over dinner.

You know so that at the beginning he could turn to me and whisper, 'let me know if there are any cameo's from the old ones' and I whisper back 'well that was Marlon Brando' (referring to the voice over) 'Really, I thought it was the guy in the front row' (referring to our narrator) SMIRK 'yes, Marlon has come back from the dead just to narrate our showing of this movie.' (because I'm blasphemous on all levels not just religious ones)

josh, movies

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