What a day

Jun 13, 2010 22:33


Where to start.

Friday night we went out for pizza and beer. Though more or less only accomplished half of that equation.
At local pub we kept running into people we used to work with. After being there for like an hour or two just chillin watching people come in and our empty chairs get borrowed by another table--only to sit empty while the girls were off dancing, we decided to go say hi to Ted and leave. While waiting for Ted to finish his intense convo with some girl Brad appeared out of nowhere and Tiff chatted with him for a bit. Just as Tabby (who works there) came around to tell us that Mike and Adam were in the pub that night. So... we wound our way over to them after talking with Ted. Coincidentally, the last time we saw them we were standing at the very same spot and as the nearest table opened up we took it over. just. like. last time.

So...what would have been a relatively short night got a bit longer. I'm not sure what you remember of my tales of Mike and Adam, but they were both stock boys at the store. Mike a bit shallow, Adam a relative mute. Seriously to get Adam to say a few words you had to start the conversation and even then they'd be practically monosyllabic responses. EXCEPT--that Adam would always say hi to me when we crossed paths. Maybe like ten to twenty second convos at best, but I didn't realize that was so rare until one of the other girls pointed it out to me. :)

Anyway...nice enough guy. But you know...fellow retail employee and partial mute. I didn't think that much of it--outside of my being special. We've run into each other like a dozen times since then, but friday night was the first time he actually stepped up and asked for my number. Of course it may help that we'd just spent like forty five minutes shouting over music...the four of us that is. Well three, Tiff wasn't really paying attention to most of it because she just couldn't hear.

Slept way late.
Visited ifreet @ work.
Made plans to see movie.

Came home.
Stayed up too late.
Then just couldn't sleep.
Pete came in @ 4 & watched NKK.
TV was louder than my music; sent txt 4 peace.
THEN his most annoying phone alarm started going off.
...basically, along with not being able to sleep, I couldn't rest.
And morning came.

And Spud and I had a movie date. Either the 10:20 Killers or the 11:50 L2juliet, but then my ma was all...so you guys are going to see Karate Kid, right. And listing all the times it shows...because she wanted to see it to. I just didn't tell her that since I have plans to see it with ifreet later this week that we were going to watch something else.

Yeah. (only saw one new preview this round. Secretariat. I was misty eyed during previews! le sigh)

Well anyway, being tired makes you kind of emotional. And I'm pretty sure any movie I saw was going to make me tear up at some point. So I'm going to save any kind of review for after a more clear viewing or at least a good night's sleep.

Then, I got $5 to take us out for lunch. Mom suggested Taco Bell. As I'm standing in line there and the guy at the register asks me if I'm 'kickin' it old school' does it dawn on me that I picked my !Yo Quiero Taco Bell! shirt.

Then Spud decides next stop is kohl's for shoes. And as I'm standing outside my door putting my purse over my head a dog is BARKING in my ear! I screamed so loud and flinched because I did not realize that there had been a dog in that van when I parked next to it. It was kind of funny. Dog kept barking until after we were in the store.
Then...there was the issue of finding everything I wanted in sizes that were not made for me. :( and Spud wants to wander into the breakroom to get a drink, only I don't know who's back there today and I didn't want him to go in there if there wasn't someone who knew him on break. And I sure as hell wasn't going to go in there! It's hard for him to understand why he can't do what he used to be able to do. (he was practically the store mascot. I swear everyone knew him and gave him free range to just about anywhere)

Anyway, so Tiff and I got mixed up and I missed meeting up with her. I had managed to convince Spud to head over to the mall and get a drink out of their vending machines or go to a gas station or wal-mart...hell anything else.
Then he decides that he wants to walk to the mall. Ok. We've done it many times. ...at the corner of the building he amends his plan.
Spud: Kuko Mall.
Me: You want me to bring 'Ruko over to the mall?
Spud: Nod. Points to himself and does the sign for walk and points to mall.
Me: You want to walk by yourself?
Spud: Yeah
Me: No. You cannot walk to the mall by yourself.
Spud: Tiggie! (he holds up stuffed animal)
Me: (laugh) You and Tigger cannot go by yourselves, you need a bigger companion.
Spud: Buh... ::puppy dog eyes::
Me: Okay. You walk to that stop sign and wait there and I'll bring 'Ruko up.
Spud: YEAH!
Me: Walk slow, I've got to get back to the car.

And even though it felt like a bad idea I let him go on his own.

I get to the stop sign. No Spud. I scan the parking lot of the building over and the lot across the 'road'. No Spud. There's relatively zero traffic at this point and I think well maybe he went ahead because it was slow like this and drive across the way and slowly up to the building and loop back down to start over because I don't see him anywhere. I was panicking so badly that he'd been kidnapped or something. I mean he's a grown man, but still.

After driving in erratic circles, trying to focus on the other cars and people while still scanning frantically for him. I began to hyperventilate a little thinking the worst. I park at the edge of the lot and get out. I'm less likely to cause an accident on foot. I call Tiff for back up (since I know she's at the mall), she doesn't answer. I call Peter because I don't know what else to do. As I'm admitting that I lost Spud, I see a swatch of tan through the windows at the entrance to Penney's and try to say 'nevermind' but being Peter I end up confessing the whole sitch.
When I got up to him. He looked so happy that his plan had worked and he'd made it all the way to the mall and I had brought the car and followed him, he didn't realize that I was upset. When I gestured for him to come outside so I could--well--yell at him. His face dropped and he tightened up and I just crumpled on the ground all teary-eyed while I found my breath.
When I went into the vestibule I was only vaguely aware that it was at that moment empty. And I shouted about how scared I was that someone had taken him. And I think he finally realized that running off like that wasn't very funny to me.
I'm pretty sure someone in the store was talking about us. Other people came through after I was done shouting. He tried to give me a hug to make me feel better and say he was sorry, and I was just like. 'let's leave this spot please.' Let's just get on with this mall adventure stuff.

I was so emotionally drained after that that when we were in Borders I practically just sat in one of those chairs and fell asleep. Or I would have if I let myself stay seated for more than thirty seconds.

Went to pick up book from T's car, couldn't find it at movies. Texted, waited five minutes after zero response, texted again to say we were heading home and she could bring it over when she was done.

I'd be in bed by now if my night hadn't ended with Adam calling me.

family, friends, random

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