Writer's Block: Top of the Charts

Sep 07, 2009 09:50

Hey guys! I saw this on a friend's journal, and decided to answer it myself.

I don't really have a most-played here lately. I haven't in years. I kind of keep it broad and listen to whatever I have available to me at the time. However, I do have a most often listened to radio station, if that helps. It's a Christian station out of Atlanta, GA, I believe. It helps to encourage me when I'm feeling discouraged or just needing something positive to listen to that will remind me of my purpose when I almost forget. :) I really really wish I could find my first ever Taylor Swift CD! I got it for Christmas 2 years ago, I believe, and I think someone has borrowed it and never returned it... Kind of like with my Warren Barfield CD. :( So, if I refuse to let you borrow a CD of mine one day, know it's not your fault. It's all the people who have stolen my CDs so far. Blame them. haha. (I'm serious, though. :p ) But yeah. I don't really have a song or artist of preference these days. Oh well!

writer's block

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