XKCD Moment

Nov 28, 2009 20:57

I went to one of my favorite websites again, and I just HAD to look at my favorite strips.

http://xkcd.com/349/ : because it reminds me of a friend of mine, who HAS to stay on the computer when he installs something, no matter what. Gets kinda annoying when the guy has commitments, but hey :P ...

http://xkcd.com/386/ : because it reminds me of all the drama I've witnessed along the years :P .

http://xkcd.com/400/ : doesn't remind me of anything in particular but made me laugh.

http://xkcd.com/481/ : made me laugh but rings so true, with all the people who can't seem to be able to type properly... that makes me feel ridiculous, really. I mean, I've only been learning English for 15 years out of my 26 years of existence, and some people who were born with it can't even use it. Ugh.

http://xkcd.com/503/ : because this is an interesting question and I haven't googled it yet :P .

http://xkcd.com/530/ : I could totally picture myself doing something like that if I had the capacity of doing it :P .

http://xkcd.com/539/ : If that one was true... it means I'm Vincent's "statistically significant other" , lol.

http://xkcd.com/584/ : For some reason, this one struck me as intriguing.

http://xkcd.com/591/ : This one made me laugh because, as weird as it seems, how much do you guys want to bet that it COULD theoretically happen XD ?

http://xkcd.com/603/ : I think this one speaks for itself :P .

http://xkcd.com/612/ : Long live Windows XD !

http://xkcd.com/627/ : That is me with some of my family's computer problems sometimes. And I'm not even geeky or nerdy or whatever term applies enough to know what I'm doing on my own computer most of the time XD !

http://xkcd.com/668/ : I don't know about Pandora, but I'm sure the same principle applies to other similar situations :P .
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