... oh my ain't I getting "deep in thought" tonight ?
I'm in a rather good mood, oddly enough. Made some chocolate cake again, and AGAIN huge success. I think I'll only use this recipe from now on, cause it turned out pretty good. Maybe that's the kind of thing I want to do with my life... freaaaaaaaky. Freaky as in this is not how I saw myself a few years ago. Now I get happy with cooking. Okay, there's the computer too, but me ? COOKING ? As in, maybe being a housewife would be the best thing ever ?
O.O Now that I think of it, that would actually be pretty sweet. I like taking care of people, even more than I take care of myself. The only people I can't really do that with are of my own family, save for when they're sick, and even then sometimes it feels WEIRD, like the time Camille threw up behind me and I couldn't move for a few minutes... quite a relief that someone was there to help her.
But the one night Delphine was sick at 3 AM, I was the one who was there giving her a bath and staying up to make sure she could go back to bed safely (oddly enough, the only time when I was really sick was when I had the cast on. Save for that, healthy as one can be!) .
I'm the one who bakes chocolate cakes that everyone loves.
I'm the one cooking pasta and putting cream and making the sauce that everyone loves (except when I space out and forget that people actually need to eat dinner around 7/8 PM ^^;; )
I'm the one who made a bizarro version of ratatouille (as in, nothing like ratatouille, more like borrowing the concept XD ) that Mom LOVED but *I* hated
And maybe I care in other ways, too. BWAH!
On another note, I'm anticipating June 5th with a mix of fear and eagerness... there's a part of me saying "It's not the right time, you're only 26, it's okay" and another saying "But it's HIM dammit, so it would be wonderful!" ... Darn biological clock.
Anyway. Found some old stuff I had written on a few websites eons ago. Feels pretty funny.
http://www.fanfiction.net/u/185173/Akarui_Kibuno (And totally embarrassing, although I was 18/19 when I wrote that stuff and it's pretty good grammatically even for that age! Whoah!)