Mar 07, 2005 22:52
Fully updating the LJ for once. Blah.
Mom and Dad are watching some weird movie about a bimbo who marries a bum and they go on a Europian honeymoon(Note: I can't spell Europian, I don't think.). Feh. If and when I do get married, I don't think I'm going to need to go on some long, elaborate honeymoon in a place that speaks a different language. OK, maybe Japan. Triple maybe on France. I can speak French, like, barely. L'Akarui est tres mal a Francias(Translation for those who aren't forced to take French: The Akarui is very bad at French.) I actually would LIKE taking French. But my teacher is totally weird. Mr. Courchene. First name Michel(pronounced: Michelle). He's always touching my shoulder and embarassing me and Nicole. I'm getting an A in his class, probably because I keep trying to put an accent into my verbal assignments, but otherwise I hate his guts. He always singles ME out. Me, Nicole and some girl named Kim. I think he's got this THING about younger girls. Weirdo. If I catch him doing something Akio-esque to anyone, including someone I hate, he is sooo busted.
How did a simple statement about a movie turn into my using my not-so-sharp skills in French? 0.o I drift in topics a lot in this journal.
Speaking of drifting from topics, lets see how far I can get on this topic: FFX-2. More specifically, going on long FFX-2 binges, in order to level everyone up to level 35 so that I can kick Valefor's ass. I actually liked Valefor in the original FFX. Very useful. After I got my ass kicked twice by Valefor, I went off to Kilika and got myself killed by Ifrit. Stupid meanie aeons. Grr. It's just like when I was leveling up to kill Skeith in .Hack//INFECTION. And I almost beat him, too. Dammit. Just Data Drain the bastard, but he's still got, like, 5000 HP on him. Plus he does that weird thing where he kills, like, all of your party, and Blackrose is the only one standing and she pretty much sucks. Bleeeeeeeeh. I prefer FFX-2. I like Yuna, she rocks just a leeeeeeeetle bit more in the sequel. I also like the fact that, for once in the entire FF series, the main character is not some extremely bishounen-ish guy weilding a large weapon against some evil mage-ish person(examples: Edea, Seymour, Kuja((although we cannot be mad at Kuja because he resembles a short Sesshoumaru dressed as a bellydancer. XDXDXD))). Nope, this time it's a girl with a shot gun. Halle-frickin'-lujah!
Aw man. I gotta get to packing my lunch.
Bye bye!!
(PS: Someone save me from this computer-less hell!)