Yeap,I started learnin' rench not because I liked it or smth.. My causin from Swizerland ,Elaine,I need it to comunicate with her,Yup,She can speak georgian,also english but..I Think it will be more comfortable to comunicate with her by her native language,french..OkOk,My french is poor put,I'll try my best before the summer :3
So,I started it in september/09 o.O But i don't even remember 1 word XDD Let's learn it together :3
P.S. hate french :33 No offence XDD
ok,Let's start from something simple :3
Nyaah:3 Just finished learning my first words,Like:bonjour,Bonsoir,Bonne nuit,Au revoit,A bientôt,A tour l'heure,Merci beoucoup,Ca ne fait rien atc. I learnt 15 phrases.. I remembered 10/15!! that's 7 points!(of 10) T^T even not 7 ! 6,5!! >__< I wrote that words over again and again and again and again!!! Now I know..
This were my mistakes:
A bietôt - A bientôt
______ - A tout l'heure.
De riev - De rien
Ca ne fait rier - ca ne fait rien
10/15 6,5/10 >_____<
Yup,My italiano teacher was right! "You can't do anything without love" maybe that's why Asian languages are pretty easy for me.I lear them with love.Yeap,Yeap,I'm like a parrot I can reapeat EVERYTHING! letter to letter with right intonation but...Yup,French also seems easy to me .But without love..>_< I'll try Elaine! I'll try!! >.<