Can't Handle; Minho/Taemin; R

Dec 23, 2010 22:35

Author: Akari
Fandom/Pairing: SHINee/Minho/Taemin
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be, #foreveralone.
Summary: Minho thought that Taemin couldn’t handle alcohol.

A/N: Secretly dedicated to hoodedstarr. It’s been around four years since I last wrote a fic, and despite SHINee giving me bursts of inspiration (there’s just something about these younglings), it’s you who sorta pushed me along. I promised you my first-born, so here it is. Probably not what was expected, but hope it makes you smile. Merry Christmas, bb. ^^  /sap

To anybody else who is reading this, pardon my rusty writing (and the layout that I really should change). And here’s hoping it will kick-start something good. Happy holidays.


Music was lightly thumping, colourful lights were glowing, and exuberance was overflowing in the dark enclosed space. It was the end of another successful filming, and it seemed like the production team had so much budget put away for this Saipan trip, they decided to celebrate it in style - not just with a private room, but a luxurious limousine with more than enough alcohol to go around.

Indeed, after days of worn out filming, it was nice to just chill and relax, with no worries of having to wake up early and being shuffled around from location to location. Even though Saipan was popular with Korean tourists, it still provided sufficient privacy for the celebrities, especially where the celebratory party was held.

Minho leaned back against the leather couch, quietly soaking in the atmosphere. Taemin sat beside him, chatting to Lee Sang In, the two of them occasionally breaking into light laughter.

It was nice having Taemin around, Minho thought. They had always been close, and Minho was glad the youngest member could accompany him. No doubt it was work, but the scenery was so beautiful, it took some of their tiredness away. Minho had to admit though, he was worried that Taemin would injure himself during some of the games, but thankfully, everything turned out fine, beyond the sores and aches.

“Hey, Minho-sshi!” Sang In called out to him. The elder held out the wine bottle and Minho immediately took a glass, allowing the red liquid to be poured inside.

“How about Taemin-sshi? Do you want to try some? It's pretty good wine we have here.” Sang In prompted.

“Hyung, Taemin is still underaged.”

Taemin pouted, before grabbing a wineglass and extending it to Sang In. He grumbled, “I am not that young, Minho-hyung. It's just a year more.”

“But Taemin...”

Sang In chuckled, while pouring some wine into Taemin's eagerly waiting glass, “Just let him try a bit. He has you to take care of him right?”

Minho leaned his chin against his palm and mumbled, “Kibum-hyung is going to kill me if he knows about this.” They were returning home tomorrow and if Taemin had a hangover, he would be so dead. That hyung of his had crazy cat-like senses.

“I can handle it hyung.” Taemin gave him a mysterious smile, causing Minho to raise his eyebrows.

Taemin took a small sip of the wine and remarked happily, “Sang In-hyung, this is nice! Thank you!”

Sang In laughed and commented on how Taemin had grown up, while Minho murmured to himself, “...I think I can't handle it.”


It was definitely Sang In's fault.

Minho slouched forward, as Taemin comfortably leaned on him, head against his shoulder. Only the two of them were still in the limousine, the rest left to mingle with the others outside.


“Hmm, Minho-hyung?” Taemin answered lazily, eyes sparkling as he looked up at him.


Taemin was definitely drunk, Minho thought, his head hurt just thinking about it. The younger lad did not just drink “a bit”. Judging from the almost empty bottle on the table, Minho was sure Taemin had quite a bit of alcohol in his system right now.

At least Taemin wasn't a noisy drunk.

Minho turned his head slightly. Taemin was just sitting there, gently twirling the glass, occasionally taking a sip or two (yes, he was still drinking, but Minho figured the harm had already been done anyway). His eyes didn't look too dazed, though he was staring into space. However, this was Taemin we were talking about. It's not the first time Minho found himself wondering what exactly was going on in Taemin's head.

Taemin caught his eyes and smiled cutely, “Minho-hyung, why aren't you drinking?”

Because at least somebody needs to be sober here. Minho thought, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He simply replied, “I had enough”, and looked away, allowing silence to resume between them.

It's too bad he missed Taemin's subtle smirk.

Minho suddenly felt warmth pressing against him and realized Taemin was clutching his right arm rather tightly. He reflexively jerked back when Taemin held the glass in front of his face. Apparently, Taemin had refilled it.

“We shouldn't waste such good wine, hyung. Let's finish it up.”

“Taemin... I said-”

“Or are you scared of getting drunk?”

Minho narrowed his eyes at his teammate, while Taemin continued innocently, “I didn't know Minho-hyung has such low alcohol tolerance.”

Oh I see, you smartass. Minho cursed inwardly, he was too competitive to give up any challenge, and Taemin knew him too well. It was an obvious trap, but Minho decided he couldn't lose to someone younger. It's not like Taemin was telling the truth right?

Minho grabbed the glass from Taemin and downed its content entirely, quickly feeling the liquid burning his throat. He placed the glass back on the table before Taemin could have any more ideas.

“There. Happy now?”

“Mmhmm~” Taemin hummed, before lifting his index finger and slowly trailing it along Minho's lower lip, still glistened from the wine. Then, he placed his finger near his own mouth and gave it a light lick.

Minho could only stare, dumbfounded, as Taemin's actions seemed to play in slow-motion.

Then, Taemin gave him the same mysterious smile from earlier on.

Minho felt dizzy. His head suddenly felt heavy, his thoughts turned into mush, and his heart was not cooperating too well.

It must be the alcohol, Minho rationalized.

Just when Minho thought he could regain some peace (and save his poor heart), Taemin pushed Minho's right arm aside and smoothly climbed onto his lap, knees on either side of Minho, their crotches dangerously close, their faces breathing into each other.

Minho froze. He and Taemin had always been close, and being touchy-feely was never a big deal within their group. The fans loved “skinship” and Minho enjoyed it too. But this. THIS.

Reality was definitely having fun with his mind. Or was this even reality?

Slowly leaning forward, Taemin stuck out his pink tongue and licked the side of Minho's mouth.

“We shouldn't waste it.” Taemin smiled lazily, his eyes bending into crescents, twinkling from the neon lights above.

Then, he lowered his head and licked the angular chin.


Minho cursed as their crotches bumped against each other. His already sensitive body immediately responded with a growingly painful bulge.

It only took a few more licks before Minho's brain completely exploded. He grabbed Taemin roughly by the shoulders and shoved him against the couch with a growl.

This is all Sang In-hyung's fault, Minho complained mentally, before crushing his lips against Taemin's soft pink ones.

He sucked on the lips hurriedly and then pushed his tongue into the welcoming mouth, savouring the lingering taste of alcohol. His right hand moved up to cup Taemin's face to get a better angle, and Taemin smoothly hooked his free arm around Minho's neck, drawing him in closer.

Minho only pulled back reluctantly when he heard a moan.

Minho gulped at the sight, I can't...

Taemin breathed heavily, lips swollen red and cheeks flushed pink. He looked at Minho with his beautiful big eyes, soaked in desire, silently seducing Minho to continue in his ravaging. Taemin blinked, his long pretty lashes hitting onto Minho's fluttering heart.

Minho brushed his fingers through the blond locks, amazed at their softness. He played with a few strands, thinking, and then looked back at Taemin.

Taemin's fingers rubbed in circles on Minho's bare neck before leaning his body forward, head falling onto Minho's right shoulder.

Taking the hint, Minho immediately pressed his mouth against Taemin's lower neck, eagerly sucking onto the smooth skin.

Damn, he smells so good.

Minho grabbed Taemin's hair and pulled his head to the side, allowing more skin to be exposed for his enjoyment. Meanwhile, his other hand ghosted down Taemin's t-shirt and rubbed against a clothed nipple purposely.

“Hyung...” Taemin gasped.

Subconsciously, he spread out his legs, responding to the touch, wanting to get closer, to get more. His hands clutched the back of Minho's tee, pressing against the taut back muscles.

Minho continued kissing Taemin's neck, leaving little red marks and relishing in Taemin's soft moans.

I can definitely get used to this.

With a happy smile, his hand crept under Taemin's tee and trailed up his flat stomach, finding the sensitive pink nub. He gently circled the areola, and then gave the tip a squeeze.

Taemin took a sharp breath and bucked forward, their heated bodies colliding. Minho grunted in response, his clothed arousal struggling against his jeans, desperately wanting some form of release.

Suddenly, Minho felt hot breath beside his ear and Taemin whispered to him.

“Help me, hyung...”

Taemin took Minho's hand out from beneath his t-shirt and lowered it to press against his crotch, surprising the elder. Minho blushed, uncharacteristically, as he felt Taemin's uncomfortable bulge through the thick jean material. He pressed harder and Taemin whimpered in pleasure. It was obvious Taemin needed release as well.

That fuelled Minho's desire and he unzipped Taemin's jeans in a hurry. He slipped his hand inside the enclosed area, swiftly grabbing hold of the hot flesh. He tugged it out into the open, Taemin gasping from the sudden exposure.

Minho gave it a good long stroke, noticing that pre-cum had already gathered at the tip. He moved back and forth, thumbing the length, getting used to the texture. His fingers played with the full sacs, pressing lightly on them.

Taemin's head was lowered, fringe covering his face, dampened from sweat, just like the rest of his body. He was panting hard, luscious lips inviting.

And Minho was completely lured, diving in and attacking them, while his hand continued its job.

“Taemin, help me too...” Minho managed to mutter, as he sucked and bit on Taemin's lips.

Slender fingers moved to the light coloured jeans, hastily unbuttoning them, and pulling out the burning arousal. Taemin returned the favour, and Minho moaned in pleasure, as soft warmth surrounded his cock.

The music booming in the limousine seemed to be adding on to the sexual atmosphere, both boys moving in tandem, bringing each other to ecstasy.

Feeling like he was about to burst any moment, Minho pushed Taemin's legs further apart and roughly pressed their erections together. Covering Taemin's hand, he stroked vigorously, causing Taemin to lose control and finally came with a cry. Minho also reached his limit, white liquid spurting over his shirt.

Resting his head on Minho's shoulder, Taemin took in mouths of air, body calming down. Minho wrapped his arm around Taemin's waist, mind slowly waking up from its daze.

Gently pushing Taemin back, Minho took some tissues from the table and wiped Taemin clean, zipping up the pants for him. Then he attempted to clean up the mess on his own shirt, rubbing at it with some frustration.

He was just about to give up, when he found Taemin wiping on the stain with some dampened tissues. After a few rubs, Taemin gathered the dirty tissues in Minho's hand and tossed them all into a bin. He took a couple more pieces to clean their hands and looked up, giving Minho a thankful smile, its warmth glowing in the small space.

Minho's heart thumped faster again, a voice warning him that he could no longer use drunkenness as an excuse. But damn, did he want to taste those perfect lips again...

“Hey Minho-sshi! Taemin-sshi!”

Minho jerked back quickly upon hearing Sang In's voice, not even realizing he had leaned closer to Taemin. He also immediately removed his hand from Taemin's.

“What are you two doing?” Sang In questioned, noticing their sitting positions had switched.

Taemin gave his usual sweet innocent smile and replied calmly, “I accidentally dirtied Minho-hyung's shirt so I am just cleaning it up for him.”

“Ah... Okay. Hurry up and come outside. We want to take some group photos.” Sang In obviously accepted Taemin's explanation and left the two alone yet again.


“What? I am just telling the truth, hyung. Now let's go~” Taemin answered cheerfully, standing up and pushing Minho to get up and go.

Confused, Minho stumbled out of the limousine. Once they stepped into the open, Minho grabbed Taemin's arm before he could rush off.

“Are you feeling okay? You were so drunk earlier on...”

Taemin couldn't hold his giggle, and then he smiled at Minho. The same mysterious smile, the third time in that night. Minho recognized it.

Eyes twinkling in amusement, Taemin chirped, “Don't worry, I told you I can handle it.”

With a wink, he escaped from Minho's hold and ran to where the other guys were.

Staring at Taemin's back, Minho suddenly realized what Taemin meant, what that mysterious smile meant, what everything that just happened meant.

Laughing at himself, Minho hurried after the younger.

So I'm the one that can't handle it after all.


Inspired by:

fic, minho/taemin, shinee

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