(no subject)

Feb 17, 2008 20:45

So I was watching AI7 videos, 'coz I need some happy stuff after a stressful day. Go watch too, some are rather amusing.

David A
He really is one of the cutest things ever. His story on him losing his voice is amusing, though it should be considered sad haha. But he was laughing so hard at it too! And he is so well loved by the girl contestants, kissing him in the pictures lol.
(Go read the comments for his video. Crazy fangirl wondered about his abs. -_-;)

We do know all gays love Britney. \o/ And he mentioned GQ in his top24 vid. Way to go! I really hope he gets to show more of his personality on the show. You know how AI6 curbed Blake.
(This comment broke my brain:
He's definitely my second fave after DAVID ARCHULETA!
Arielle, it reminds me of the David/Danny comment you left!)

Eeeee! He mentioned Chris Rich! <3 And about eating meat that he thought was cat/dog in HK. Sheila told me neither is sold in HK haha. And dude mentioned how octopus sushi was awful. I agree, only if it is raw.

Tennis scholarship? Wow.

As many of you know, I am waiting to see how he performs. He was rather cute in his interview though. And he reminds me of Ryan from High School Musical, especially with his interest in theatre.

He should have been featured more on the auditions. He really is an interesting character.

Behind the scenes
Hollywood week: Oh lordie, Kyle and Josiah's answers are so them! Kyle chose "You Raise Me Up" and how he wishes there can be more peace around. Ever the politician. Oh Josiash bb. :(

Atlanta (http://www.americanidol.com/videos/?vid=873): Poor Ryan being insulted. But I do love the host. I cannot remember his name though haha.

aww baby david, danny iz so pretty!, american idol 7

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