Economic Woes

Nov 17, 2010 12:32

Wow, it's been a long time.  Sorry to say, this blog got left behind to a great degree with my attention to my money saving blog dealsindenver and my facebook page.

I wish I could say I was back here with good news.  Unfortunately, I'm not.  I am very concerned about the state of the economy, and I want to put a warning out to those I care about.  I am only a armchair economist.  I don't really know that much, but I what I am observing is rather alarming.  The stock markets worldwide are shaky.  Commodities are rising exponentially.  Though the news is reporting that inflation is flat, a year or two ago food and fuel were removed from the inflation calculations.  Uh, been to the grocery store lately?  Prices are rising and quickly.  General Mills issued a statement recently stating that in the new year you can expect a rise in the prices of their products (20% if I remember right).  Cotton is at it's highest price ever.  JC Penny, Gap and more are also predicting a 30% jump in clothing prices in the new year.  The National Inflation Association is predicting price inflation that will literally steal your breath.  This isn't good.

In the past, I've written doom and gloom pieces based on overspending, and inflation.  My money is on that those predictions are headed towards happening.  I wrote about how the inflation and difficulties in the late 70s and early 80s were caused by increasing the money supply by 12% and asked what we thought would happen with an increase of 120%.  We've left 120% in the dust, and I think things are going to get REAL HARD, REAL FAST.  I know, I'm a nut.  I get that, and I hope to God I'm wrong, but seriously people, I believe we are going to be facing something you've never dreamed of.

Seriously, I hope you will consider making it a practical Christmas this year.  I know it sucks to get socks and undies for Christmas, but you might want to consider doing just that.  Socks, undies, jeans, shirts, shoes, coats, whatever it is you could use more of.  I also want to suggest buying some extra food.  Commodities like sugar, wheat and corn are WAY up.  That means it won't be long until those prices are passed along to up.  You might want to buy some extra flour and sugar now.  It won't fix the problem, but it might ease the pain of the higher prices headed our way.  I know it's nuts and nobody wants to hear it, but please do a little research people and think about it.

Wishing you all well,



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