That's going to hurt.

Mar 30, 2009 11:03

Now I want to frame this by saying that I am concerned about the environment. I do my part to keep our world pristine.
I recycle. My gardening is organic whenever possible. I prefer organic food. I work to keep not just our carbon footprint but our overall footprint small.

That being said, I will tell you that I am against "cap and trade" CO2 programs. The reason why? My understanding is that they don't work. They didn't work in Europe, and are being abandoned. From what I have heard, there were more dirty coal plants built in Europe under Cap and Trade than before.

If that isn't enough, the cost will be enormous to you and me. Here's a link to a chart from the Ways and Means Committee showing what the estimated additional cost will be for you (by state). Keep in mind, those costs are per person not per household.

For me, that's an additional $1,400. Seriously, I can't afford that. Can you?

economy, politics

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