Mar 29, 2009 02:12
I personally think that I try way to hard to be different.
As I watch hate videos about race and sexual orientation on Youtube I realize that, on a more general level, I don't like being a part of groups. Groups lead to generalizations by other people about who you are as an individual. Generalizations are like burning liquid acid to me. I think I crave being different way too much.
I fear being labeled or boxed or categorized with other people. Which is a weird thing to want. I mean don't most people want a sense of belonging? I've also realized something else recently. I try to understand people by comparing them to me and then analyzing the factors that make us different. But now that I ponder it... I think most people do it but they probably just don't think about it. And as I meet people I learn about how they grew up as children and come to know of how difficult and horrible most upbringings are. But mine... it was so easy... I mean sure my family went through bankruptcy but I really don't think it has ever affected me. I wanna say that maybe it's just my personality that has made life seem easier than it actually has been. I mean I'm a naturally positive person... most bad things seem to just glide off of me.
Because i'm tired i'm going to end this prematurely... with...
Can anyone truly understand another being completely? My answer is no. What's yours?