218. メリークリスマス!(w/ プレゼント Part 1)

Dec 25, 2010 23:45


First of all...during Christmas Eve, Koyama 'obviously' tweeted again. Although it didn't have the 'Shigeto desu' nor the diamond on it. THE MERE FACT IT HAD THE STAR AND THE 'UFUFU' thing makes me want to think IT WAS HIM. :)))) He said; "メリークリスマス★うふふw" (Merry Christmas(star)ehehe (laugh))

LOL Just before the Music Station Super Live event. I bet his hand are itching to check twitter or something. XDDD (Just make a freaking Twitter Account already would you!?)

Although Christmas Day means lots of presents, we also have to give thanks for all of the blessing the Lord has given to us these past years and for the years to come. :D At the same time the blessings everyone received at the start of time.

As a Christmas Purezento for all, I have translated the Shigeto!Koyama's Tweets that I didn't translated before~ :D  Part One for today, Part Two for tomorrow~ :D



From today we have a special project! Shigeto's first word will start~! Have fun!

◆今日から、僕もつぶやいていいみたいなんで!!柔軟体操なう。痛し。超痛し。けど、ドーナツ食べてがんばるぞい。重人より☆ (12:24 PM)
From today on, it seems like It's okay for me to tweet too!! We're doing stretching right now. It hurts. It really hurts. But, I have to do my best so that I can eat Donuts. From Shigeto.

◆コメントキタ━━━(゚(゚∀(゚∀゚(☆∀☆)゚∀゚)∀゚)゚)━━━!!!また書くね。重人より (12:31 PM)
Comments arrived ━━━(゚(゚∀(゚∀゚(☆∀☆)゚∀゚)∀゚)゚)━━━!!! I'll write again okay. From Shigeto.

◆食事休憩なう。みなさん、本物のシゲシゲですよ(笑)ツイッターはじめてで、興奮しています!こんなに返事って来るんだ。フォローしてね・・・って言いたいだけ。重人より。(4:49 PM)
It's break right now. Everyone, I'm the real ShigeShige. (laugh) Since I've started Twitter, I feel excited! In this way I can get replies. I just wanted to say ..."Please Follow okay". From Shigeto.

◆重人です。今日の稽古も一生懸命がんばりました!!みなさんのコメントチェック中。今から演出家の松居さんとパンフレット用の対談をしてきます。パンフレットもお楽しみに。ばいにゃー。重人より。(8:44 PM)
This is Shigeto. I did my very best in today's practice!! I'm in the middle of checking everyone's comments. Then I'll have a crosstalk with our producer, Matsui-san as part of our pamphlet. Please enjoy the pamphlet too. Bye nya~. From Shigeto.


◆おっにゃー!!重人です。今日も稽古が始まりました。 朝はくだものの梨を食べました。うましー。また書きます。今日もみなさんフォロってね☆重人より (2:06 PM)
Good Morning~!! This is Shigeto. Today's practice has started. I ate a pear this morning. Delicios~. I'll write again. Everyone please follow today too okay~ From Shigeto.

◆重人です。休憩なう。今日はなんだか天気が悪いなぁー。みんなは今なにしてる?重人より。(4:01 PM)
This is Shigeto. We're having recess right now. Today's weather is somewhat bad~. What's everyone doing right now? From Shigeto.

◆重人です。みんないろんなことしてんなぁー。ツイッターってすぐ返事がくるからおもしろいね!!ちなみに重人はいまクッキー食べてます!重人より。(6:58 PM)
This is Shigeto. Everyone does various things~. It's interesting that Twitter gets quick replies!! By the way Shigeto's eating cookies right now! From Shigeto.

◆重人です。おつかれさまでした!今日もがんばったぜぃ!!明日は夕方のニュースみよーっと☆ばいにゃー。重人より (7:36 PM)
This is Shigeto. Otsukaresama deshita! Today I did my best too!! Please see tomorrow's evening news~ Bye bya~. From Shigeto.


◆重人です。さて、今日も稽古だぞ!今日も笑顔で、元気に過ごしましょう!あー、いまから柔軟体操だ。痛いのやだなぁ。じゃぁ、また後でね!。重人より (12:51 AM)
This is Shigeto. Well then, today we have practice too! Today let's spend our energy with smiling faces too! Ah~ Right now we're stretching. I don't like it when it hurts. Jya, See you afterwards!. From Shigeto.

◆重人です。今は休憩中!今日は、上下ジャージで中にオレンジのTシャツを着てます。みなさんはどんな格好をしていますか?なう。重人より。(3:31 PM)
This is Shigeto. I'm in the middle of a break now! Today I'm wearing full jersey attire with an Orange T-Shirt inside. What kind of clothes does everyone wear? Now. From Shigeto.

◆重人です。今、一瞬外でた。さむいー!!みんな風邪ひかないでね。重人より。(3:33 PM)
This is Shigeto. I went out a moment ago. IT'S COLD~!! Don't catch a cold everyone okay. From Shigeto.

◆重人です。いまから晩ご飯!メニューはおにぎりふたつ、おいなりひとつ、あととんこつラーメン!もりもり食ってまだまだがんばるぞー!。重人よ。(5:36 PM)
This is Shigeto. Right now we're having dinner! The menu is two onigiri's, one fried tofu, and a Tonkotsu Ramen! I have to eat a lot so I can keep on doing my best more and more~! From Shigeto.

◆重人です。休憩中、コメントを読んでるといろんな場所からつぶやいていますね!休憩の合間にコメントチェックするのが楽しみな僕です。もうごはんは食べたかい? 重人より。(8:05)
This is Shigeto. I'm in the middle of a break, As I read the comments it seems that everyone's tweeting from various places! I really enjoy checking comments during break intervals. Have you (everyone) eaten dinner yet? From Shigeto.

This is Shigeto. Otsukaresama deshita! Everyone brush their teeth's and don't forget to gargle too okay! From Shigeto. (9:23 PM)


If there are any problems with my translations, please comment right away! I'm currently studying Japanese on my own, so I do not know much it's supposed to be. It would be nice if we help each other ne~ >< Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!

If reposting, please do credit akanishikoki  
will be x-posting on news_jpop

Everyone who is on TWITTER~ Let's sport: Shigeto!Koyama's #ufufu and #0RoomtheManCameBack, Tegoshi's #tegosoccertroops and #dekawanko, NEWS' #FightingMan, Ryo's #chonmagepurin and #NEWSDAISUKI XDDD

japanese : shigeto!koyama, works : translations, me : nikki

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