Dec 08, 2005 18:59
Go into your archives and look at your first post of each month. Choose the last sentence of each entry and post it next to the correct month. That's your Year in Review.
jan: Countdown to NYC trip: 12 days.
feb: There are so many people I should call and I should work on my paper some more, but I'm poooooooped.
mar: Also, my apartment is clean so come visit me!
apr: Me and guys. It's all so bothersome.
may: It'll take time to get used to the change.
jun: This weekend will be fantastic because we'll be able to spend all day in bed!
jul: Tonight, I'm off to a burlesque show.
aug: This is the first time I've felt like being alone on my birthday.
sep: Emily and Mia, I <3 you.
oct: That sucks.
nov: Open your mouth and say something if you know something is wrong!!
dec: I'm going to drink some tea and watch Kung Fu Hustle... because it is awesome.