Bad daaaaaaaay.

Jun 26, 2005 14:05

Mommy and I made lots of cookies for people in the Sages nexus this morning. But when Norman and I got there, the other Anakin was very GRRR. He made Yuki look friendly!!

And he had lots of pain.. all over.. I'm not supposed to know.. but sometimes I see it. And it hurts a lot. Mommy could see it.. she'd understand. She would know what to do.

So I talked to her and Norman.. but.. I still needed help. So I went back to the Sages!

I talked to lots of people and.. I think they helped me a lot too. I like them. They were all very nice to me. I hope I can help them someday.

Except the mean one. He wanted to eat me and other kids! But he doesn't know me! He doesn't know Norman. He's a very bad person.

Norman and the others would get him if Mommy didn't do it first.

Mommy is taking me to the zoo tomorrow! Then we're going to visit Aunt Sil and I'll get to play with everyone! I want to play Batgirl again. Mommy can be the bad guy. She has a very evil laugh sometimes. She's very good at pretending to be bad.

I have shrimp flavored chip snacks!! Alli bought them for me today. I'm going to save them for the zoo!

If I ask really nicely, I wonder if I can have a tiger..
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