Bump and Run?

Mar 06, 2007 23:14

I was at work today when I noticed something in at the trunk of my car.  At first glance, you wouldn't notice it, but the way the light bounced off it looked a little weird as I approached my vehicle.  When I finally took a closer look, I found a slight indentation near the center, close to the bumper.  The paint was a little cracked *sniffling* and the more I looked at it, the worse it seemed.


Some %@#$%$#@^ bumped into my car!!!!!  I'm not even sure when it happened as I did not notice it when I went to work today so it could have happened at work.  I went grocery shopping yesterday, but did not put anything in the trunk so it could have happened yesterday night.  I just don't know.


There was no note or anything.


I guess they might have thought that they didn't do any damage.  After all, I'm not even sure when it happened.  For all I know it happened a week ago and I was just that unobservant.  Anyway, my co-worker told me to put clear nail polish on it to prevent the paint from further cracking and help keep moisture away.  Otherwise, it might start to rust where the paint cracked.


Anyway, I'm not even sure if it's worth fixing.  I mean I already have a small bump in my bumper (that one was entirely my fault) from last year.  And I'm such a horrific driver as it is that I could actually see my car taking more abuse later down the line.

*sighs dejectedly*

I'm thinking of getting an estimate...
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