I have not been updating on a regular basis for a while now. On the off chance there is someone, maybe two?, still reading this journal, who is not listed on my f-list, I thought I should let you know I will not officially updating this blog anymore (I will keep my account active to keep in touch with my f-list, and to read locked entries that I am "qualified" to read - the phrasing is awkward but I can't bother thinking of a more appropriate word after one in the morning...but for all intents and purposes I intend to be a blogging cheerleader from now on...). Time and inclination permitting I will be archiving entries important to myself at my wordpress blog. If I get into the habit of blogging again, I will be posting my wordpress username.
Thank you for reading!
Take care, and all the best!
PS Until I decide to import I am going to keep my lj account active with irregular updates... (4-28-09)
PSS Until I decide otherwise, my lj will active for my ramblings... Ugh. I'm too indecisive... (8-12-09)