May 01, 2007 11:46
新しいプランを作ることにします!五月からLJの話は英語と日本語を使います! 頑張るね。。 多分たくさん変な文を作る増すけど私は練習すること要ります。 とにかく、ほかのプランもあります! 五月から真面目な人になってみたいんです。 スポーツクラブに行ったりいい食べ物を食べたりそして勉強をたくさんします!機能勉強して、朝日本語のクラスにいた。そして! 仕事跡でスポーツクラブに行こうと思います! もうううう。。疲れた!
So Ive decided to start my new plan! From May I will write LJ posts in English and Japanese. Probably there will be a lot of mistakes and my translations wont be accurate but oh well? I need practice. anyways, I have other plans too! From may I will become a diligent person! I'll: go to the gym, eat healthy, study alot etc.. In fact, Yesterday I studied alot and this morning I went to japanese class. And! After work im thinking to go to the gym! waaah.. im tired ;.;
I accidentally took the wrong dosage of medicine. Thats what I get for taking it before class. 2 pills instead of one, it should be 1 every 12 hours. I think I'll just skip tonights and take the proper dosage tomorrow. Then I'll be finished. Used my moms medicine for my other issue.. so maybe no swimming today :B But my nose is super itchy! could that be a side effect? Strange.. o.o
Must remind myself to make plans with Naoko... oooh and Superman 3 is out today isnt it? :O MUST GO SEE IT!!!! I wonder who will go see it with me.. maybe I'll go alone. Ought to make the effort to go with someone first though.
Off to work. later! (so happy no kids classes this week)