
Dec 04, 2009 00:43

um...three things im gonna rant about today...

living in the southern part of the states...we barely get snow here...in fact its like HEAVEN if we ever get even AN INCH OF SNOW...

yes..i know..SAD...

but we got our earliest snow yet...even before NEW YORK!!! (which btw i used to live at...so i'm pretty sad when there's no snow during winter where im at now...)

I wake up later than usual and hurriedly got ready for school, and being my shower having this huge glass windowpane near it, i looked outside and noticed it was unusually reflecting a very pale white color... then remembering i had a test that day i kept praying NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL..... even before i began to comprehend that it might be snowing..haha..yah...that's how much i've been stressed by school

SOOOO..i go outside with just a towel on..and..waddya know... SNOOOWWW!!!!!!!!

go back to bed..and not even minutes after my dad comes barging in saying i've got school....WTF???!!!!!!
soooo...that really got me pissed...

BUUUTTT.... before that..i found out about Kame's new drama..wallflower (thats wut its called here in the states)

and already people have been bashing kame..and the drama hasn't even begun!!
things like "aw this is gonna suck..it doesnt fit him at all..." or "well, at least he's got spirit.."

you can all suck ur own dicks for all i care, but I KNOW this is gonna be a pretty good drama, especially since uchi is in it too ><( i honestly dont know much about uchi, but he caught me with his face, so i'd like to get to know him better) [[and dont even get me started with tegoshi yuya=YUCK!]]

and last but not least, my usual post of a pic of me....i've developed a hobby in photography since..a year ago? and i've never really thought about it being a hobby until i noticed all the pictures i've randomly taken everywhere..i love my NIKON ^___^

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