Title: Silent Collision
prettyoriannaPairing: Akame. Ryo x Kame. Ueda x Junno.
Rating: NC-17. Eventually.
Genre: crime drama? AU story
Beta by: nobody
Disclaimer: I don't own the people. I write this for fun and for other fans of these fine folks. But don't steal my plots, mmkay? I put a great deal of time into them except for when I'm randomly spastically spitting words onto a page. But I value those too...
Summary: Jin kills in self defense only to find himself a fugitive. Along the way he meets a scared boy...
Warning: Character death(s). Abuse, murder, gangs, kidnapping, etc etc.
Author's Note: Sorry it's so short. Not many chapters left, either.
The Master Posts:
On my journal -
Silent Collision Master PostOn the akame_ Community -
Silent Collision Master PostOn the akame_fanfics Community -
Silent Collision Master PostOn the kattun_fanfics Community -
Silent Collision Master Post Chapter Twenty Four ~The Return~
Jin started to freak out. He ran out of Kame’s hospital room and to the nurses’ station. “He’s gone! He’s gone!”
Pretty much pounding on the desk, Jin said, “Kame. The boy from room 1582. Please, we have to find him! He’s vanished! I was only out of the room for maybe fifteen minutes…” He was completely terrified for Kame’s sake.
The nurse called security and they went back over the footage for the length of time he was in Yamashita’s room. They told Jin the boy left on his own, but Jin couldn’t believe them. Finally they offered to show him the tape and let him see for himself.
Watching the security tapes, Jin couldn’t believe Kame - still quite doped up - had managed to sneak out of the room and the hospital without anyone seeing him but it seemed to be the case. It seemed that Kame had pulled out his IV suddenly and then crept away and out of the hospital. Kame seemed to have an uncanny knack for avoiding the camera but he seemed to be alone.
Why would he leave? Where would he go?
Jin thought he’d been asleep when he went next door to talk to Yamashita and call the cops. He was sure of it…
There were only two things Jin could think of that would prompt Kame to leave. The first and most likely was if he woke up and didn’t see Jin and went somewhere he thought he’d find him. The second was pretty far-fetched since the place was keeping an eye out for him, but given the spotty way Kame appeared in the security footage, maybe Nishikido had gotten to him despite the odds.
Well, whether Kame was looking for him or whether Nishikido had him, the best idea he could come up with was to go after Nishikido. He couldn’t afford to wait for the cops to get him. Jin had to go. He had to be sure Kame wasn’t there.
He’d have hired a cab if he hadn’t given all his money to the nurse already. So he ran as fast as he could, not caring who or what he ran into, onwards to the place the gangs had tracked Nishikido to.
Jin was hoping beyond all hope that he didn’t find Kame there; who knows what Nishikido would do to him…
Ryo felt vindicated more than surprised when his Toy showed up on his doorstep. He always knew his Toy would come back to him; the boy had just gotten confused for a little bit. Kazuya knew who he belonged to. He knew.
Though how he found the apartment, considering he never left the other house, not once until the day he ran away… that was a bit of a mystery.
“Inside. Now.”
And the boy nodded silently and nervously stepped past Ryo into the apartment.
“You know you’ll have to show me you’re sorry. You’ll have to be punished, too… You’re in serious trouble, you foolish boy.” Ryo closed the door behind him. Grabbing a hold of Kame’s arm, with his fingernails biting into the younger’s flesh, Ryo dragged him to the bedroom and threw him into the room hard.
No need to tie the boy down if he was being obedient. Maybe things would go back to normal, or at least, something like it, considering they could never go back to their primary home.
“On your knees.”
His Toy meekly obeyed.
Ryo backhanded him hard, knocking him the rest of the way to the floor. Even though that side of his face was already horribly purple (Ryo actually felt kind of bad about that; he really hoped he hadn’t ruined the angelic beauty of the boy’s face), the younger didn’t make a sound.
Things were definitely starting to go his way.
“Back on your knees,” Ryo ordered as his Toy pushed back up to a more vertical position. Ryo unzipped his pants and look down at the younger like he had so many times before during the past ten years. The sight of his Toy on his knees always really affected him. It was just so… perfect. So…
So completely arousing. Just knowing that the one looking back up at him would do anything he ever desired. Anything.
“You know just what I want, don’t you… Give it to me like a good boy and maybe I’ll forgive you…” And he watched lustily as the younger inched a little closer to him…
Jin was fast running short of breath and eventually he had to slow down. Still he kept going, pushing onward towards the apartment the gangs found. The place where Nishikido supposedly was.
He had a terrible feeling. He just knew something was wrong.
He just knew it.
Please, Kame… be safe. Don’t be at Nishikido’s when I arrive… Please…
The story continues:
Chapter Twenty Five ~The Reason~ A/N: I know, not even 1000 words. It's like, insanely short. But it's at the place I wanted to end the chapter and I wasn't able to pad it any more without it losing the pacing. And, yes, I'm know I'm mean, evil maybe even, for the cliffhanger.
But how did Kame know how to find Ryo? And what the hell is he thinking, going back to him? LOL You'll have to wait till tomorrow.