Title: aliens!
akame_luuvPairing(s):akame,ryoda,takki/tusbasa/,yamapi/toma or uchi ,tanaka,shirota yuu and JOSH
Rating:pg. 13
Genre: humor,romance,comedy
Beta by:none
Disclaimer:I don't own the characters.…!
Summary:The JE babies go marching one by one into takki and tusbasa's life!!
A/N : who fits better yamapi and toma or yamapi and uchi??
takki rounded the corner to his and tusbasa's apartment child in hand. Today had been interesting to say the least and it was only intensified when he came upon his door. Outside there was a man bound and gagged. takki's primal instinct was panic. Panic that someone from one of tusbasa's assignments had come to hurt him. He was at a loss of what to do when he heard laughter, muffled by the duck tape covering the man’s mouth. He inched as close to the other wall as he could and walked towards his door shielding the child in his arms from whatever insane person had came after his family.
It was a mere ten feet from his house when he recognized the silhouette. “Jun, What happened to you?!” takki rushed forward towards the still hysterical man bound by his hands and legs unable to move or speak. His laughter only increased tenfold when takki came into view. “Who did this?” takki asked crouching down and moving the child to tear the tape from his mouth.
“I did, and don’t remove the tape.” takki looked up to see his door ajar and his husband looking down at him. “I called ohno and he’s coming to get him, just leave him there.”
“But honey that’s.”
“Leave it be takki, it’ll teach him a lesson.” And with that said tusbasa collected his wife and fifth child in one swoop. “ohno, will take care of him, don’t worry.” tusbasa smiled reassuringly at the man in his arms and brought them into the apartment, kicking the door shut. takki frowned.
“baby, you can’t just leave him like that.”
“Sure I can, he should stop breaking into our home.” tusbasa set his wife neatly onto the floor. “I’m guessing this is koki.”
“Yep, koki say hi to you’re new daddy tusbasa.” The child in takki's arms turned to tusbasa with wide brown eyes and smiled the largest smile Kangin had ever seen on such a small face.
“Where are the the twins, ryo, and shirota?”
“I put them down for a nap a while ago.” tusbasa told him observing the child who was watching him intently.
takki bent down and place koki on the floor. “You can play with any of the toys koki, and when your brothers wake up, then you can play with them too.” He watched with a sad smile as koki consulted the air next to him before running off to go find something to entertain him.
takki straightened up and looked seriously at his spouse. “koki is… a bit strange.”
tusbasa blinked. “Jun is a bit strange, you might want to be more specific.”
takki sighed. “He’s schizophrenic.”
“You mean like he talks to aliens?”
takki glared at his husband. “No tusbasa, like he has disillusions, mood abnormalities, and he talks to the air.”
“He’s a child, he has an imaginary friend, no big deal.”
“That’s what his mom thought so she took him to get a brain scan. The child has a similar chemical imbalance to the one of an adult schizophrenic. His delusions became to much for her to handle, having just lost her husband. Supporting them both was difficult, and medication wasn’t a possibility. She left him at our office with a note. He was talking to himself when I found him.” takki looked off at the child who had disappeared down the hallway in search of bigger and better things.
tusbasa sighed, it was to much like his wife to want to help this child for him to be surprised. But given the state of koki condition Kangin wasn’t so sure that they were what he needed. After all, they already had three children that required almost constant attention. “What do you mean by medication?” tusbasa asked in defeat.
“Well he needs friends foremost, and I figured we could share our boys. A bit of therapy couldn’t hurt either.”
“He’s only a child, why does he have to have someone shrink his head.”
“They have child psychiatrists baby.” takki rolled his eyes at his husband.
he looked at takki in surrender. He wasn’t exactly the type that believed in psychiatry, but if that’s what takki wanted for his child. "so I have to look for a doctor"he suspected his wife didn't get this far.
takki smiled innocently. “Social Security considers it medical, so in other words our insurance should cover it… They don’t however condone fitting five children and two parents in a small three bedroom apartment…”
“You mean we have to move!?”
kazuya vaguely registered his bed moving. He stretched and began to open his eyes to figure out exactly what was waking him. He was surprised to say the least when he saw a pair of big brown eyes staring back at him.
The startled child jumped, and in his surprise, bashed heads with the skull that housed the eyes staring intently at him. The pair of eyes backed up rubbing the area kazuya had hit, while kazuya did much the same.
"pwincess" kazu jumped again looking fervently from side to side.
"where" The eyes, which kazu now realized were in fact a boy, pointed at him. kazu blinked.
"pwincess" Eunhyuk looked behind him for fear that the boy was pointing behind him rather than at him.
"he's saying you look like a pwincess" kazu turned to the bed across the room where ryo was sitting up looking over at them, not all that happy at having been woken up.
"azu boy" kazu huffed his cheeks
"Actually you kind of do." ryo moved his head to the side as if trying to see kazu from a different angle.
The brown haired toddler glared at ryo. "Cute pwincess" a pair of arms wrapped around kazu who was drawn into a hug by the boy who had originally insulted him.
"I’m not a pwincess."
"You look like one." The eyes that had awoken him looked at him challengingly.
"That doesn’t mean I am a pwincess." "u too pwincess" koki pointed to twin who just joined his brother
tatsuya just glared "s not" "but your pwetty" koki said
ryo's ears got wider "stay away from hime" he glared
"eeh don't call me ime" he pouted the six year old couldn't help but kiss the chubby cheeks and embraced him
"You call tusbasa monkey man, and he isn’t a monkey." ryo pointed out . tatsuya looked to shirota on the trundle bed below him but was met with a confused stare.
"But he really does look like a monkey.’" tatsuya pouted still embraced by tryo.
"Well yes, but you look like a pwincess." ryo smiled at tatsuya, who stuck his tongue out. "Who are you, anyways?" ryo directed his gaze to the boy who was laughing at something neither the twins, ryo, or shirota understood.
"I’m koki." The child calmed down his laughing and smiled."Who are you? I know pwincess."
"My name is kazu and I’m not a pwincess!"
ryo rolled his eyes. "I’m ryo, and this is Shirota, he doesn’t speak japanrse, so he doesn’t talk, oh and the twins really aren’t a pwincesses. But I do think they looks like one." kazuya glared at ryo.
"What do you mean he doesn’t speak japanese, what is japanese?" koki now had his attention focused on the child closest to the floor.
ryo sighed. " He comes from a diffewent place that spweaks a diffewently than us. He doesn’t even undewstand that we’re talking about him."
"Is he an alien? They speak funny and they don’t live on earth!" koki released kazuya and began bouncing up and down looking even more intently at shirota.
"He doesn’t come from outer space if that’s what you mean." ryo shook his head and slid carefully out of his bed pulling tatsuya carefully along with him....bitchy kazuya on...he needs to teach tatsuya not to allow someone guide him he guides others!
"Aww… that’s no fun then… I talk to aliens!"
"If they spweak diffewent then how do you talk to them?" kazu looked confused at the energetic boy.
‘Well they don’t talk to me, I talk and they understand. Some of them speak japanese, or whatever ryo was talking about though, they talk to me.’
The door to their room opened and takki peeked his head in. “Oh koki, did you wake them up?” ryo nodded and koki smiled.
“Well I hope you guys got enough rest, tusbasa and I need to run somewhere, and you guys have to come with us.”
‘Why hello, it’s a nice day.’
‘Uhm… koki, why are you talking to a chair.’
‘It’s not a chair, pwincess, it’s an alien.’
kazu blinked at his new sibling who was engaging an inanimate object in conversation. ‘If it’s an alien, then why isn’t he talking back, and why does he look like a chair.’
‘It’s not a he it’s a she, and she doesn’t want the adults to know she’s an alien or they’ll do all kinds of experiments to her.’ koki went back to talking to the arm chair.
‘She’s an odd alien.’
‘Shush! You’re hurting her feelings!’ koki hugged the chair tightly. ‘you smell funny, it must be an alien thing.’ tatsuya's eyes started swirling
part 2