Title: Things The Adult Only Do At Night
eternal_akamePairing: Akame, chibi brother!HayaRyu
Rating: Safe
Genre: AU, Fluff.
Disclaimer: not the owner of these characters…
Summary: Hayato was getting a glass of water for his cute little brother at the midnight. Then, when he walked in front of his parents’ room, he heard something weird…
A/N: sequel of my multi-chap fic,
Fate of Love. This is a story about their life 3 years later after the last chapter. There is another new child in Akame’s family, Akanishi Ryu. Still remember about Kazuya’s pregnancy at the end of story? Yeah, that’s Ryu. *smiles* So, just to let you know, Hayato was 8 years old, while Ryu was 3.
Things The Adult Only Do At Night ~