Title: Here Comes The Sun
fingeredheart Pairing: HayaRyu [Gokusen 2]
Genre: Friendship, angst, perhaps romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer(s): I own nothing.
Summary: You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and he won’t tell you that he loves you, but he loves you.
A/N: For
elanielyn , with lots of love. ♥ Also a thank you to all of my readers, as I've been writing fic for this fandom for more than two years now. Inspired by
Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles and the poem
You Are Jeff by Richard Siken. These are both quoted several times in the fic, as well as in the summary above. Sorry to all of the fic commenters I have not gotten around to replying to for a while ;; will definitely reply this time, I promise. That being said, comments are very, very much appreciated. ♥
He looks back at you again, and you can hear his voice in your head, can hear the soft, raw whispering of your name, the weak, wavering curve of his short-lived smile.