Title: Dreams Come True
fingeredheartParing: Akame, KoKame (friendship), Pin (friendship)
Genre: Angst, romance, friendship, AU
Rating: PG-13 for sparse language choices, etc.
Disclaimer(s): Nothing's mine.
Summary: Kame's a renowned make-up artist, one of the best in his line. And he can't play the piano.
A/N: Wrote this all in one day; my hands are going to fall right off. Dedicated to
aijin_jin_17 because she's cooler than you. And okay really, I hope you guys like this, because I put a lot of time into this...today. Please enjoy :')♥ comments are always very much loved!
The melody slowly fades from his mind, leaving behind wisps of dull pain, of dreams that never came true.