Title: Because the world doesn't stop spinning (and it's always your fault)
mustenentwined3 Pairing: Akame
Genre: Angst, friendship, perhaps romance.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer(s): Am not old, not male, not Japanese, not rich. Not Johnny. Also, I obviously have no idea what Kame feels about all this crap lately, but I can only fathom. Maki is an original character, but an unoriginal name.
Summary: The first time he held your hand, your world started to spin - everything became a mesh of colors, a blur of lights and sounds (starry nights, the world in your palm).
A/N: Was going to write about this earlier, but I couldn't find the inspiration. Today, I had the worst day I've had in a while, and I saw a butterfly when my friend was complaining that I study too hard. Second person, written in two and a half hours. Enjoy? Comments are, as always, a lot of love! I will be failing at replying to them (and yesterday's), but please do know that they're so, insanely appreciated. ♥
Now, your world spins too - but not the way it did when you were fourteen, when you were in love.