Title: Happy Endings are Never Too Late
mustenentwined3 Pairing: Akame, Pin (friendship), KoKame (friendship)
Genre: Romance, angst, friendship
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer(s): Nothing's mine.
Summary: He is reminded of laughter so loud, so full of sunshine, the faint wink of stars, and a voice in his ears (fairy tales, stories into the night, believing in happy endings).
A/N: This is for
korn_lotr_luver @
akame_req . I have no idea if this is any way what you were thinking of, but I hope you like it anyway. :) Please excuse some of the incoherency, OOC-ness and the lame ending; this is a result of brain malfunction and studying for finals. Enjoy it, though! Comments are, as always, lots and lots of love. ♥
"Maybe it's the beginning of their happy ending."