Title: You and I, as we are
mustenentwined3 Pairing: Akame
Genre: Friendship, romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer(s): I wish I did, but I don't.
Summary: It was an affection I wanted to gain, and hold it close to my chest, and lock it up in a treasure box that would be mine forever.
A/N: For
siriusly_me , happy birthday dear. I hope you feel better soon, and good luck with everything, okay? I miss you. ♥ Ah, I'm sorry if this is a bit nonsensical, I've been having writer's block and this is an attempt to get over it :/ Anyways, enjoy! Comments are, as always, very very much appreciated :3
It seemed to be all I ever wanted, and at the end of the day, I realized that this was the day I wanted to lock up and keep forever.