Title: Nothing But This
mustenentwined3 Pairing: HayaRyu (Gokusen 2)
Genre: Angst, romance. Perhaps fluff, if you squint.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer(s): Standard disclaimers apply.
Summary: Ryu is about to Canada, and Hayato is angered. So angered, in fact, that he decides to get drunk and drive - resulting in a car accident in which he has temporary amnesia. Enough, maybe, for Ryu to forgive himself and admit his feelings for once in his lifetime.
A/N: This is angsty. Um, I've been sort of wrenching my heart out over this and how each part of it is written, so comments are very very much appreciated, of course! Enjoy :)♥
I'm going to Canada next week, it says in blue pen. Don't miss me.