Title: Say You, Say Me
mustenentwined3 Pairing: Akame
Genre: AU; romance, friendship & a bit of angst for now.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer(s): I own nothing but the plot.
Summary: Kamenashi Kazuya is a perfectionist, a hard-working, schedule-prone university student living in New York City with big dreams for the future. Late one night while he is reading contently in a cafe, he meets Akanishi Jin, a very talented, poor, outgoing and spontaneous artist who draws caricatures of passerby as a living. What they both don't know is that this fateful meeting will be just the first of many more to come, and that sometimes a casual stranger can become something more than you will ever dream them to be.
Chapter One ll
A/N: I have some kind of idea where this is going now, but it might change :l it's a bit different than I intended when I started out. I hope you guys like it; enjoy and comments are very much appreciated!
Bang! The door slams open, the bells ringing wildly as a large gust of wind blows in with a howl. Kame frowns, reminding himself to not sit beside the door next time. The person that has entered sits down at the table beside him, slumping down in a mess of dark coat and torn jeans.