Title: Wandering For Love
Author :
kame_kiyumi Pairing : Akame
Rating : PG-13
Genre : Romance, friendship
Summary: When two persons meet one another at a cross-junction, will there be a turning point or everything will remain intact? Does true love come by so easily? What will true love bring upon to the two persons? Fate will decide them all. But before they can get the happiness they want, they have to cross a few obstacles…
Epilogue part 1 )
**Mod's post!
okay dear members, I think this is gonna be a last post for me in this comm.. I dunno when Kate will close down this comm…. But I think it’s no longer meaningful for me to post things up here anymore as I’m quite sure that not many visits this comm as well.
So I will take this opportunity to say this.
You members and friends in this comm have been wonderful, thank you very much for your support all along! Hope to see you people around in other comms and good luck! =)
Till further notice then! Take care, byebye! =)