Yo peoples. I haven't updated since.. May 10th. wowzers. Nothing much has happened (a lie by the way), except my recent death by end-of-the-year-projects in all classes but math and (history).
Yesterday I rode my bike to the beach to capture the sunset for my physics photo project. It was a little cold.
Today I took a day off (as Paul puts it) in order to work on my dreaded lit log for English... which I guess is better than staying up through Sunday night and skipping zero and first periods to complete it. All of a sudden, Paul calls me up and decides to come over to work together on it. I was saved!! Thank god I got one project out of the way.
My Spanish project has to do with teaching the class something, anything, using Spanish. Since most people are doing cooking... and I couldn't think of anything else, I decided to teach the class how to make some cool ORAGAMI. &_&;; This isn't due till next Monday, thank god, so no worries here.
Ahhhh, my awesome Japanese project, a full 4 weekends in the making. Saturday and Sunday mornings are all that my work left me with, which my group hates me for. (was that even a correct sentence^?) But we're almost finished. Just some video editing left. Yes, just editing. When we finish, I woll post the video for all's downloading pleasure.
Two amazingly exciting things happened at my work today, wanna hear? wanna hear? ^_^ I am now an official LEAD!! WOOOWOWWWOWOWOWW!!! Yes, I tromp around wearing my brand new black uniform and tell people to change trash cans. Very exciting INDEED. BELIEVE IT.
Aaaaaand guess who came into the theaters while I happened to be ticket-taking at 10:45 tonight? ZOMFG JONATHAN JAE PHAN. waaaa~~ my hero. ^_^ He read my nametag, said, "Ah, cool. Nice to meet you Matt!" and shook my hand!!
Oh, you don't know who Jae is? hmm. Well, for starters, he's one of the original E.M.C. Monkeys. He mainly does martial arts and flip tricks, but also puts on plays at culture shows. And he has cool hair.
http://www.emcmonkeys.com (he has videos and a profile there.) (he's aka Flying Monkey)
http://www.jonathanphan.com (which is down right now i think.) (bummer.)
hello? yes, i'm still alive.
that's it.