Hello, Yuletide Writer!
Welcome to the yearly chaos that is Yuletide. Thank you for offering one of these fandoms; please rest assured that I am easy to please and eager to love whatever you decide to write for me.
As always, I'll use this letter to offer an overview of what I like about each fandom and give some prompts, with the understanding that every writer approaches this differently. There are some definite themes here, but they're just ideas and spitballing, and a way for you to get a glance at what interests me. If you already have a story in mind, and/or don't need prompts and such, feel free to write whatever idea you already have. I love a (good) surprise.
I'm akamarykate on DW, LJ (though that journal's mostly defunct and I rarely even crosspost anymore), AO3, and Tumblr. I don't do a good job of bookmarking fic on AO3, but my Tumblr posts and likes might give you an idea of who I am as a fan, if you're looking for that kind of thing.
A Non-Inclusive List of Story Stuff I Love:
I find it hard to sort out story themes and elements from tropes, so this is a mishmash of those kinds of things:
• Deep, abiding friendships, both the platonic kind and the kind that turns into something more romantic
• Reunions after long or desperate separation
• Banter, pining, and bantering while pining
• Screwball romantic comedies
• Competence
• Teamwork and found families
• Cases, heists and capers
• Witches
• Quirky magical elements
• Reluctant (or confused) heroes
• Vivid settings
• Kidfic (if the kids are messy and real), especially accidental baby acquisition
• Flickers of light in dark places
• Consequences
• Road trips
• Fake relationships
• Time travel, time loops, parallel universes
• Historical, apocalyptic, noir, fairy tale, and space AUs (I'm not as thrilled with mundane and high school AUs and the like)
If you like tropes (or are looking for an instaplot) this is your chance to play. "Ooops! We've been handcuffed together/accidentally married/assigned to a task even though we're frenemies/trapped in a freezer/given a baby to take care of/forced to take a vacation even though trouble will follow us!" That kind of thing is catnip to me.
I adore plotty fic and case files, but of course that's not always doable in 1000 words. Five times fics, vignettes, character sketches, and slices of life are equally adored. Romance and sexytimes of any variety (het, f/f, m/m, 3-ways, etc.) are good with me, especially as noted in the fandom sections below (though I'm more interested in the emotional aspects of sex scenes than in the mechanics). However, I really do love gen stories just as much, if not more, and would be absolutely thrilled with stories about platonic friendships.
• Rape and nonconsensual sex
• Child abuse or death
• Graphic violence
• Character death (unless it's a fakeout and you "resurrect" them, in which case yes, please!)
• Real-life tragedies inserted into fictional settings; the past 12 months have held some hideous crap on a personal as well as a national level, and I'm counting on Yuletide as an escape from the grief and rage.
On a plot/trope level, I'd appreciate it if you can avoid plots that hinge on characters being stupid, obtuse, humiliated, or embarrassed, and romantic or sexual relationships that involve power imbalances (teacher/student, worker/supervisor, etc.).
Fandom-specific information, in alphabetical order because why not?
Request: Early Edition
Characters: Gary Hobson, Marissa Clark, Toni Brigatti, Zeke Crumb
Sign-up Details: NOTE: Though I've requested all four nominated characters, with this character set I'm fine with you leaving one or two of them out, or giving one or two of the characters less screentime than your main focus. Gary and Marissa are my OTBFFs, Gary/Toni = OTP of my 14-year-old heart, and Crumb interacting with any or all of those three is always gold. The fact that the show never had Toni and Marissa together for more than three forking seconds is a damn tragedy. So seriously, any combination will work.
I'll always love a story in which Gary and Marissa negotiate how to take care of the paper and run the bar and have personal lives while being occasionally exasperated BFFs (while, meanwhile, Crumb both does and does not want to know how Gary predicts the future). I would never object to bantery romance and/or sexytimes between Gary and Toni. You could give them all a paper-based problem or one of Toni's or Crumb's cases to tackle (or a heist!) if you want to go with something plotty.
DNWs are rape and non-consensual sex, abuse or serious harm of children, graphic violence, major character death, and depictions of real-life tragedies.
Why I love this show: I ask for Early Edition every year at Yuletide. I've received stories in it several times, and I'd be thrilled to have more. I know the show's flaws, and I realize how very very 90s it is, but none of that makes me love it any less.
I adore Gary's love/hate relationship with the paper and his need to do something to make other people's lives better, even though he resents being led around by the nose in order to do it; I love that often what looks like a chaotic series of events around the paper can end up being connected; I love the adult friendships, especially the one between Gary and Marissa; I'm thoroughly charmed by the way Crumb will be cranky with everyone else but is unfailingly sweet to Marissa; I weep for the epic Gary/Toni episodes and fic and vids that could have been if they'd been able to get Constance Marie for more than five episodes. I love Gary for being a sometimes grumpy but always goodhearted hero who makes mistakes (especially with his friends) and owns up to them; I love Marissa because she's her own person and not just a sidekick, while remaining unfailingly loyal, even when she's exasperated; I love Toni for being such a competent Marshal/Detective who always puts the people she's protecting first; I headcanon that Crumb really does know about the paper but plays dumb so he doesn't have to get pulled into Gary's shenanigans-even though gets drawn in almost every time. Plus all the little details that flesh out the world: Chicago locations! McGinty's! The cat!
The first two seasons are out on DVD; there are eps from all 4 seasons on YouTube-they aren't in great shape but they're there.
Possible prompts:
--Time travel! It's already canon that Gary can time travel, so you could go with any historical time period (you could even take him out of Chicago if you want). Maybe he's sent to one of the World's Fairs that were held in Chicago? Or if you don't want to mess with time travel mechanics, do an historical AU-how would Gary get news about what was going to happen in some other time and place?
-- Marissa and Toni. I'd love to see these two being BFFs (and maybe fighting crime?) while they make Gary worry about what, exactly, they say to each other about him.
--Reunions and presumed-but-not-really-dead are my bulletproof tropes. I don't care why they've been separated-maybe the paper got one or more of them in trouble and the others have to find them? Or some catastrophic event's landed them in a post-apocalyptic version of Chicago? If you want to spend a thousand words or so just getting them (again, any combination of "them" for this character set) back together I would read it with joy.
-- A Leverage-style heist story, where some evil corporate baddie is making life miserable for an ordinary family and needs taking down, would be perfect for this bunch, both in terms of each of them having skills and all of them wanting to
--This show lends itself to all kinds of tropes, so feel free to play with them, especially the ones we never got to see. Maybe Gary reads a story in the paper that necessitates a road trip? Or hostages, or fake relationships, or hurt/comfort, or whatever, just have a ball.
Request: In Plain Sight
Characters: Mary Shannon, Marshall Mann
Sign-up Details:
Partnership is the best ship, and US Marshals make for fascinating partners. I would love an episodic story about Mary and Marshall and one or more of their witnesses getting into and/or out of trouble, an exploration of a trope like a road trip, bed sharing, trapped in a small space, or even an AU like a noir detective story or a time loop fic. I also would not object to a fix-it fic that repairs the damage the last half season did to their friend/partner ship. Whether or not you want to make them romantic partners is up to you-I'm okay with them being BFFs forever, or with their friendship growing into something more romantic.
Feel free to include other characters from the show if you'd like, especially Stan, but I'd prefer the focus be on Mary and Marshall.
DNWs are rape and non-consensual sex, abuse or serious harm of children, graphic violence, major character death, and depictions of real-life tragedies.
Why I love this show:
I just realized that it's been over five years since this show ended. How is that even possible? I'd love it if you can bring it back to me for a bit.
IPS hits me right in the "partnership is the best ship" feels. Mary and Marshall together are great BFFs, with the unrealized potential for more. Marshall could so easily have been That Nice Guy, and he's not; Mary could so easily have been a cold bitch, and she's not. They make each other better, and they both know it. I love that they could tease each other out of bad moods and that they could bicker and fight and still be right there for each other in their darkest moments.
I also love the premise of the show; the witnesses they look after are a great mix of humanity and they provide all kinds of opportunities to explore identity, and how it changes (or doesn't) when people are put under the kind of pressure that lands them in WITSEC. The witness storylines provide great opportunities to reflect back on what's going on with the agents personally, but the show usually got away with any heavy-handedness in this department by using humor and/or action to lighten the weight.
Possible prompts:
-- One thing I did not love about the show was the ending. It's not that I was expecting Mary and Marshall to get together romantically, though I wouldn't have objected to that; it's that it effectively ended their friendship by setting it up in opposition to Marshall's romantic relationship with Abbie and effectively ended their partnership by putting Marshall in charge of the Albuquerque division. (
You can read my rant about how the storytellers failed their characters here.) I would not object at all to fix-it fic! You don't have to throw Mary and Marshall together romantically (but you can!--just please don't further undermine Abbie to do so), but if you can write me an ending that keeps their friendship and partnership intact, I would be happy to adopt it as my new canon.
That said, if fix-it fic is not your jam, I would be equally thrilled if you want to ignore the mess of an ending and go with a story set during or even before the series, since they were partnered up before season one. A few ideas:
-- Road trip! The show did them occasionally and I'm always down for this trope, whether they're tracking an escapee, bringing in a witness, or maybe taking an actual vacation.
-- Give one or both of them a particularly quirky, difficult, funny, or vulnerable witness to take care of and have the other offer advice-whether it's effective advice or not is up to you.
-- Accidental baby acquisition. This seems like a trope that is made for this show. They did a few episodes around taking care of Nora, Mary's baby, but what if they had a witness's baby dumped on them before she had her kid? What if they were on the run when it happened, or had to pretend to be married? WHAT THEN??
-- Hostage situation? Trapped in a small space (a cave out in the desert? an elevator?)? Fake relationship? I know they did them all in the show to various degrees, but I would read that kind of stuff over and over, and I know you could do it differently and in an equally great way, dear writer.
-- Any of the other tropes I've listed above would be fun here. A noir AU would be amazing, as would a time loop story in which one of them has to save the other, or one is trying to save a witness and has to get the other one to believe what's happening in order to make it work.
Request: Peter Pan
Characters: Wendy Darling
Sign-up Details:
I want Wendy to put herself back in the narrative. You can rewrite the main story from her POV, give her a more active (non-caretaking) role, or tell me a story of Wendy before or after the events of Peter Pan. What was she like as a child; what stories did she imagine and play at with her brothers? How did Neverland change her? What pearl does she make of the bit of grit left in her by her adventure there? Can she fly without Peter's help afterward? Does she find her way back to Neverland, or to other imaginary realms as she grows up? Does grow up and work for the better world she can imagine? Go as wildly off-canon as you want for this request and do whatever you want to give Wendy a better, happier story.
DNWs are rape and non-consensual sex, abuse or serious harm of children, graphic violence, major character death, and depictions of real-life tragedies (though I'd make an exception for the WWI prompt mentioned below).
Why I love this story:
The truth is, I never have loved this story (though I've faked it well enough while teaching a Children's Literature course), and it was the last thing I expected to request for Yuletide, where I usually go for "I want this, give me more!" instead of, "I like this thing's potential, and wish it were better realized!" But in looking through the nominations, I couldn't get Wendy out of my head. Wendy, who isn't brought to Neverland for her imaginative, fierce, expansive self, but for the boys who need taking care of. Wendy, who's set aside when she gets too old. Wendy, who's in the narrative but at an angle, as an object of caregiving and rescue. Wendy, who deserved so much more, both during the story and afterward.
Possible prompts:
-- Little Wendy, putting on plays based on her favorite stories and making her brothers participate (I may have done this myself, as the oldest of seven…). Where did her ability to imagine and believe in Peter Pan come from?
-- Feel free to take the story off course and let Wendy tangle with the boys and/or pirates, or let her team up with Tinkerbelle or Tiger Lily so they can have their own adventures separate from the boys.
-- Tween or teenage or adult Wendy, finding her way back to her own world and building a better place for herself (and her eventual daughter) there, using her ability to imagine and believe, along with what she learned in Neverland.
-- After Neverland, Wendy discovers she can fly without Peter and takes off to another land, maybe one she reads about or remembers hearing about when she was young. (If you want to cross this over with some other actual book/story, such as the Oz books or a fairy tale, that would be great-or feel free to create your own.)
-- You could also take this in a less fantastic direction, but show how Wendy uses her experiences and imagination to have adventures in her own world-as a WW I spy, or a leader in the fight for women's rights, or maybe as a pilot, so she can keep flying?!
--Or maybe she becomes a treasure-hunter or...oooh! An archaeologist who sees the light and starts returning artifacts from the British Museum to their homelands and true owners?
-- You could also go a little bittersweet with this, showing how Wendy is changed by Neverland but constricted by the time in which she lives. How does she tell the tale of Neverland to her own daughter, and what advice does she give Jane before she goes, or when she comes back?
Once again, thank you for being my writer! I hope you enjoy writing the story as much as I know I'll enjoy reading it.
This entry was originally posted at
https://akamarykate.dreamwidth.org/429438.html. You may comment either here or there.