Here are a few ideas, in case any of you are thinking of starting a pick-your-own orchard and advertising all the yummy treats in your store:
1) When someone shows up to pick apples (aka the point of your business), maybe look a little happy to see them.
2) When that same someone picks apples and returns to have them weighed so she can pay for them, make sure the person working that counter refrains from eye rolling. Maybe encourage that person to make friendly chit-chat instead, or at least respond to it?
3) Don't let an employee (maybe? Maybe not) stand at the food counter and tell three different customers, "Yeah, I don't know what we're selling today." (Hint: Maybe it's the food in the display cases behind you?) And it would be especially good if he didn't point to the eye-roller who is at a completely different counter on the other side of the salesroom and say, "She might know."
Just, you (or not) for thought.
(Who came away with a bag of beautiful apples and no treats. No cider. No donuts. No pies. *sigh* Guess I'll just have to make
Apple Dapple Cake with Warm Vanilla Sauce.)
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