Today's forecast: for the third day in a row, heat advisory. Yesterday the heat index reached 111F and it's supposed to do it again today. It's been stupid hot all week, but this is damn ridiculous.
I saw a forecast at the beginning of June that promised "significantly below normal temperatures" in July and August in this part of the country. THERE WERE MAPS AND EVERYTHING. For some reason, that dashed hope just makes it worse.
And of course tomorrow is the day I have to sit at an unshaded table at a farmer's market hocking science classes. Right now they're saying it's going to be slightly cooler, but my trust has been broken and it is not easily repaired.
So today I am hermiting again. Normally I'm in favor of hermiting but it's getting old. But it's not even fun to go to a movie or write in the coffee shop because the car is unbearable if it sits in the heat for more than a few minutes.
Today's plan: Finish the handwritten stage of the fleshing-out draft of the Monster Fic. Listen to fan mixes culled from tumblr to find some new music. Make cookies. Craft (baby blanket for a shower and/or cuddle quilt for JuneBug's bday) and watch Leverage or Archer episodes or maybe start Sense8 or catch up on Killjoys. Also, FINISH THE DAMN DRAFT.
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