Maybe it's a good thing I don't have kids?

May 22, 2013 22:36

I mean, if I had no filters, which kids would wear down anyway, I would be that annoying person going, "SOMEONE IS WRONG..." the baseball game.

Took nephew R., 12, to his game tonight and listened in on a couple of conversations that had me biting my tongue:

Mom A: It's like that book, what is it?
Mom B: Sunny with a Chance of Meatballs!

Me in my head: CLOUDY! Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs! Why would you say sunny that makes no sense!

Me three hours later: oh, yeah, that Disney show. Sunny with a chance. BUT IT'S NOT THE BOOK.

Mom C: They [tornadoes] don't make any sense. The way they move. They defy the laws of physics!

Me in my head: No they do not. That's pretty much why they're called laws! In fact, I've used tornadoes to DEFINE the laws of physics with my students! Have you ever heard of centripetal and centrifugal forces? Inertia? Momentum? ANYTHING?

Yeah. It went like that. I don't think, if I were really one of those moms, they'd be inviting me to book club or anything. And I'd embarrass the kid to death.

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