Oy with the musical manpain already.

Jun 21, 2012 22:03

I've had a long day, and I've spent a good chunk of it battling what I like to think of as "the evil pain"--this feverish, stabbing, awful thing that shows up in one side or another of my jaw every now and then just to fuck with me.

So once I finally managed to get the right balance of sudafed, ibuprophen, and mucinex in my stomach, along with just the right amount of food to absorb the queasiness that much medicine induces, the two or three hours of relief are not to be wasted. I shut off the television and fired up the writing files, yay.

And thought I'd turn on Pandora so I'd get a mix of familiar and new music.

But here's the thing: the station I'm listening to is one that I've populated over the years with primarily female voices: Dessa, Chrissie Hynde, Sara Bareilles, Tracy Chapman, Dar Williams, Adele, Christina Perri, Ani diFranco, Etta James, Tori Amos, etc., etc.

And I appreciate variations on the theme. But.

But. But. BUT.

The first FIVE songs it played were by male artists I'd never requested. Neil Finn is cool, actually, and he was first, but then it was all these guys I keep hearing on pop radio (Bruno Mars, Plain White Ts, Coldplay, Linkin Park, whatever, whatever). I mean, I'm sure they're lovely people and I do like some of their songs sometimes. BUT. I turned on Pandora to exercise some choice. And I built that station for writing, because I usually find it easier to write to women's voices, for whatever reason.

Then they added one Christina Perri song. Yay?

And now I've had three male songs in a row. When I skip them, I get 30 second ads, and then more manly songs.

I mean, I am glad there's balance, I guess, or I would be if there was balance, but at this point it's getting downright creepy. It's like..."You WILL like these male voices and their songs about their manpain and/or how much they value women (snort!)--because what is wrong with you and your choices they are all bad let us fix this for you!"

Seriously, Pandora, have you lost your MIND? Seriously, Blake Fucking Shelton?! There is no crying in baseball, and THERE ARE NO COUNTRY ARTISTS ON THIS STATION.

Back to iTunes, I guess...sheesh.

This entry was originally posted at http://akamarykate.dreamwidth.org/342526.html. You may comment either here or there.

music, what is this i don't even

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