So, yesterday I made and erased three different entries. They all boiled down to "Whinewhine sinuses whine headache all day whine eyes keep watering whine not even a two-hour nap helped whinewhineywhine," so ultimately I didn't post them, because who needs that on their feed?
Today is better, though one eye is still watering and I'm feeling, halfway through trimming the bushes on the side of the house I found myself staring at the bits on the ground thinking, "Hey I should get a rake and I need to clean the office and answer those emails and do critiques and it's going to be hot today and where am I supposed to meet Aunt Bert for lunch and oh yeah rake." I spaced out partway through my workout as well.
I'm hoping breakfast and vitamins and a shower will help. I suspect the loginess is due in part to the aftereffects of the headache (my jaw feels really loose today because I'm not clenching it for the first time in 24 hours and consequently my face feels light-headed, if that makes any sense) and partly because I ate a couple pieces of chocolate after dinner in a last-ditch attempt to make myself feel better. When my allergies act up like that, I get extra-sensitive to the effects of all kinds of things that might not normally affect me. Should have remembered--but I also tend to forget about long-term consequences at such times.
Anyway, it's probably kind of amusing to watch me when I'm like this; I literally stop moving and get lost mentally. From the outside I'm sure it looks like I'm playing an extended game of freeze tag with myself.
The trick at the moment is not to lose a couple of hours surfing my online haunts this morning. Yesterday I really frustrated myself by going looking for fic to read and spending way too much time attempting to find what I wanted even though A) the rational part of my brain knows it doesn't actually exist, and B) the AO3 was running so choppily* that even if it did exist, I probably wouldn't have been able to get to it. Should have just buckled down and written it myself, but I was not in a state to put coherent words on the page. Or I could have read something from the stack of YA books I need to attack, but that would have required more focus than I possessed.
But I'm hopeful today will be better. C'mon, drugs, kick in and kick my butt!
(*Please note--this is not me complaining about AO3--they've done a great job of explaining what the issues are and what they're doing to improve performance. Like I said, I'm pretty sure what I want to read doesn't exist anyway.)
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