You only get one chance to make a last impression

May 04, 2012 23:18

So, wow, either certain showrunners/writers really don't understand how fans process and react to hints, teases, and misdirections, orrrrrr...they're just lying liars who lie?

Because, wow, that was...while not entirely unsatisfying, certainly not what I'd been led to believe would happen based upon the ads, promotions, interviews, and, like, 92% of the foreshadowing they planted this season? And I'm not sure it did what a series finale ought to do, especially not when TPTB have known since the end of the previous season that this would be the last episode ever.

Um. Yes. This is about the series finale of In Plain Sight, which those of you reading this probably didn't even know I've been watching, because I haven't said anything here, mostly because I hadn't been watching it until about two months ago, when I basically mainlined the whole thing in a few gulps. (Short version: smarts, snark, competence, family trauma, partnership, found family, on-location shooting in Albuquerque...really, why wasn't I watching sooner?) I've been known to do that; I think it's how I cope with SAD and/or stress sometimes.

I don't know, I need to write a longer post about this, if only for myself, because I think it's pushing me to process something about storytelling and crafting endings and setting them up. Also walking the line between platonic partnerships vs. OTPs, having one's cake and eating it, too, and writing that seems to strengthen characters, but in the end, kind of...totally fails to do so.

But I have at least three more pages to write. In the middle of things, rather than at the end, so I still have time to make completely different but equally annoying mistakes.

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writing, teevee

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