Breathe and reboot. Tomorrow is never promised.
*If you ever feel dizzy, drowning, heart racing like you are having a panic attack... pick 5 things in the room and say them out loud. Sing a song (like Happy Birthday) just breathe. Deep breaths of air and exhale (make sure to brush the teeth and floss the ones you'd like to keep!). This works every time. Focus on the future. The brain is a muscle; however it's mult-tasking skills are not up to par on most days.
So, in a nutshell, the human brain🥫 cannot do two things at once, fully. So try to stay calm during a panic attack. Just breathe and reboots, count things. Any action is great. A body in motion stays in motion. These are self care tools that have helped me when I have felt overwhelmed. Watch how much blood sugar you are injesting on a daily basis. Everything in moderation. Godspeed.. My heart is with the 🌏 Planet Earth to keep us spinning...
In life, you will fall and make mistakes. You are human. This is to be expected. What you CHOOSE to do with those mistakes will let you succeed. Don't give up on yourself, God (higher power always has your back; and a great sense of humor! How do I know? He told me!
Stay postive. Pet your dogs. Get thme fixed. If you need help with finances, ask someone. Embrace your neighbors, especially the elderly in this heat. Get up and let them sit if you are riding on a bus. Pay it foward. I have faith in Gen Z.
May the FORCE be with you! <3. live LAUGH love. You got this. <3
~mama JA