Gaming and moving and stuff!

Jan 31, 2010 16:35

Well, it's happening - I finally decided that it's time to get off my ass and move. There are alot of reasons for this - the big three are basically Financial, Work related, and personal.
Not going into details, but for all intents and purposes, I'll likely be moving to a new store sometime soon. The question is when and in what capacity. FInancially, I just can't continue to afford this place. It's too costly for what I get, and I'm just plain unhappy alot of the time (some of that has to do with my life, some of it has to do with work, and some of it home). Thje environment isn't what I'd wanted it to be, and it's worn on me to the point where I can't do it anymore.

In that end, I'm working on sorting through stuff - gonna toss some stuff, organize stuff, and try and cut down on what I have to take with me. I have, for example, alot of magazines that I have no interest in, as well as alot of catalogs I saved for references for art, that I no longer need.

Not to meantion old software (ten plus years old). And -another- box or two of gaming stuff that was never unpacked. The gaming stuff makes me want to go and game again. Hear that, Kashra? Me moving makes me want to do something!

Hopefully I'll be able to cut down my movables by two or three boxes this way. Ideally I'd like to move on the 25th (that would be, at current, my day off), so my goal is to be ready by then. 30 day notice is going in tonight/tomorrow. My new address will be available at some point soonish.

FC was a blast! I know, I said I'd post a con report, but... I have concrud in a bad, bad way, and between that and moving I don't really feel like I have the energy.
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