Work work work

Jul 01, 2009 09:03

Life is slowly stabilizing - it's taken a week, more or less, and I'm starting to recover to the point where I'm less erratic and more stable. I know my gal doesn't entirely understand - she and I had a talk not too long ago, and it was good. My plan is to get my life back to something resembling what I want, then to start dating her again.

Some of this is finding a balance - I need an role-play outlet. I need to flex that part of me. It's sort of ingrained in who I am to play at being someone else.

So, well, it's why I've been on Taps so much. It's an outlet for that part of me. Now that I'm feeling better about that, I need to burn some cals, and eat more healthily.

So I'm going to be digging out and taking a cookbook with me today to work, and making menu plans, on a week by week. I have to thank my former roommate ChristiCalico for that, and in fact, I'll drop her mate a note saying to thank her. And he's better!

Baby steps.

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