I'm in an insanely great mood right now!

Aug 29, 2019 19:33

Might be a bit manic but as I tell Bees all the time, it's better than being depressed! Ride that wave sucker!!! *dances about* Ok.. I'll stop. :D

I have the e-mails and the cost of the games all lined up on a Sticky Note... after this goes through and I get the games, I am going to install Ubuntu bc I am getting paranoid. I don't need bloody viruses and all that awful shit to happen to Matti... and I'll be fracking damned if I'm going to Winders 10. Nope. So, and I will have to suck it up and play the Sims 2 (not the 3 or 4th.. well, maybe the 4th.... I hope!) on Ubuntu. I am joining 

heartonsnow in on installing Linux! Huzzah! :)

When will I install it, and which flavor? Tomorrow after the e-transfers and Kubuntu. I'm a Kubuntu whore. I love it! :) My friend stolenglimpse on LJ gave me some interesting links so that my game (the Sims 2) will work on Linux. I can do without the 3rd game as you know... and the fourth? I will see if I can do it .. if so, we are in business. If not, oh well. :)


!linux, !sammy yaks too much, !simming, !bloody winders

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