I'm at the library bc Bees wanted to get out....

Aug 28, 2019 14:47

 I am trying to figure out how to upload my first pano image to FB... on my tab, which is proving a bit difficult. But I'm not giving up. :)

Bees just left me here. :( She went home... she was the one who wanted to go for frack sakes!!! >:( This day is getting better and better...

Luckily though, I was able to track down a copy of Soul Silver and Black 2 for $60 and $40 respectively, Bees is going to help me with an e-transfer.. and we are taking a taxi down to Thornhill to get one of the games. All of this is on Friday. I hope things work out. I really do.

I just hope that Bees doesn't get taken advantage of with the e-transfer. :( I want these games. It's what I want to do with my $$$ this month.

I need to get home... I need to rest... but Bees isn't coming until 4 fracking thirty.


!crappy days, !bees

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