Morning! *yawns*

Aug 17, 2019 09:50

 Today is Caturday! Have a pic of our feral feline neighborhood kitty... posted b4 on my Blogspot.

He is a rather strange cat. He will wind himself as cats do, about your legs, meowing at you all the time, and when you go to pet or pick him up, he hisses and bites/scratches at you. -__-

Meanwhile on the other hand, Oliver, our handyman's golden retriever pup grabs at you and licks you til you collapse into giggles. There are more pix on Blogspot than LJ, so, head on over!

Today I think I'll see what's on the telly and just relax... just had some Astro Balkan style yoghurt -- starberry flavor. Noms. Today we are having grilled cheese and veggie soup for lunch and beef stroganoff for supper. Our house mum is going to a Kiss concert (lucky girl!) and won't be around for supper. :( Ah well... I hope she enjoys herself. ^^


!caturday, !food

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