Julz and I made a sim...

Aug 13, 2019 08:35

You can download her soon.. as soon as I get my laundry done and hop in the shower. I have a guy coming today with my new tablet. A 10" Samsung. Nice eh?

Here is Miss Prudence "Pru" Potter... (and yes... I am addicted to HP!)

She is a custom Sim... I was showing Julz how to play the Sims 2 bc she likes that too... I put the no enter sign there bc I wanted this college stint to go smoothly. Yes, I know that there are hacks for that but I actually like the college part... liar!

So, she is majoring in biology...

I love when sims do this... I think only Virgos and some others do this. I think it's funny...

This, is imho, the best part of the Sims 2. :) I love it when your sim has either high or maxed out cooking points and totally kicks arse at the contests.... speaking of...

She won with omelettes! Omelettes!! :D

This is my *first* vampire sighting in the sims 2. I swear in all the years I have been playing... asfdsgdhjrfj!!! Of course I boolpropped her with him. He ain't interested though... I think that's bc he is a Twilight vamp.... bc...

Count Jay made burgers/cheeseburgers!! *le gasp!* I love him. If he is there next contest, I am making Pru a vampire. :D Or just getting them together. :D I want her skin with his hair damnit!

Here are some random outtakes... from different games...

That made Julz giggle. My sim is trying to be a living bench. :p

Um... let's get a better look at her face...

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink ssssssssssssssssssssssss!

Ok. :p That's all.


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