The Mills family

Jul 18, 2019 21:40

 Read it here. I need your opinion. The alien twins are not my favorite, but that is just me. Tell me what y'all think...

In other news, well.. I am rescheduling my appt with Angelique bc tomorrow is supposed to be the hottest yet. It's so hot my glasses are fogging up with my breath. :/

Also, Pammy comes in to relieve Wen. I hope she makes her cheesecake again. Shit that stuff is goooooooooooooooooooood... she makes them cupcake size, so it's not so bad for me. :D

I hope I'm not catching what Bola has. Crikey! She's coughing really badly and I've got a tickle in my throat... *sighs*


!pammy, !hot weather, !sick roomie, !simming

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