Things I have learned: If something seems like a good idea at the time, it probably isn't.
Due to a close-out sale at the import store, an unexpected surplus in my apartment budget thanks to the surprise present of a sofa and a mattress from my loving family, and, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say impaired judgment due to a general lack of sleep, I've come into possession of a large modern canopy style bed. It is totally awesome and the sort of thing I've always wanted, but has several problems, mostly stemming from the fact that it belongs in the master bedroom of someone's Malaysian beach house and not, you know, in a one bedroom apartment. Getting the pieces in was interesting, and now that it's put together it is about the same size as the bedroom. Possibly larger. Yes, my furniture defies physics. When I eventually move I'm probably going to have to take a hacksaw to it in order to get it out. But it is a beautiful monster, and it's mine, and, I'm not gonna lie, I kind of love it.
In unrelated news: This is probably literary sacrilege or something, but
this is pretty much the version of Sherlock Holmes I've always hoped for, but never saw.