Interests Meme

Feb 27, 2006 15:17

Fascinating (at least to me) and also an opportunity to update a very dated interests list.

Post your LJ interests list and explain.

acting - Something I do. It's a hobby, thank gods, because I would never want to make it a career. I think if I worked in theatre I would go mad. I love it as a hobby because I can enjoy it without stressing about it.

alpacas - Alpaca wool, alpacamobiles, pets for the imaginary apartment... what's not to love?

books - duh

conversatron - The now sadly defunct that kept me amused for many and independent study class. RIP 1337 Hamlet.

correct grammar - A side effect of my grammar and rhetoric class was my becoming even more of a grammar nazi. This interest is totally hypocritical - my own grammar often sucketh mucheth.

creation myths - The subject of my (hs) Senior Thesis and still something I find incredibly fascinating. How did we get here and why? What does a cultures' cosmology say about that culture?

democrats - They may be pathetic lately, but I'm keeping the faith. Being a Democrat is a bit like being a Cubs fan.

douglas adams - If you haven't read his books go do so NOW!

draco - I should really remove this from my list, but it's been there since the beginning when I joined up to read Cassie's Draco Trilogy. I haven't read any of the new installments in at least a year - my how things change.

dumpster diving - I was on the varsity dumpster diving team in high school. Yay, hucking milk!

everything - The third component of life, the universe, and everything.

fencing - A wonderful sport and not a bad way to poke an eye out.

firefly - The TV series. Yes, I am a Browncoat, why do you ask?

goldfish - A bizarre little homage to CJ of the West Wing.

guys with accents - I'm a sucker for a foreign boy.

hamlet - Yes the play. Less an interest, more an obsession. I'm not really into it at the moment, but it wouldn't take much to spark my interest again.

heist films - Quality entertainment. What other film genre has everyone rooting for the bad guys?

imaginary apartments - Where Julie, Haylee, and I live. It's fantastic, you should come visit sometime.

infinite monkeys - The ones who would eventually write Hamlet. Also the name of a play I wrote in junior year.

j.k. rowling - I'm fairly certain you are required to list this in order to maintain a Live Journal.

kingdom of loathing - Stick figures and obscure pop culture. I don't play any more, but I still feel like it's something I'm interested in, so I haven't removed it from the list.

kotor - Short for "Knights of the Old Republic". The video game that ate my brain and still hasn't spit it back out.

life - The first component of life, the universe, and everything.

literature - (see "books")

lost - Bizarre TV show with random pop philosophy? I'm in!

mary russell - The star of a particularly good detective series by Laurie King.

morrowind - The game that ate my brain before kotor.

musical theatre - Particularly bizarre modern musicals like Avenue Q and the Producers and anything featuring either Colm Wilkenson or Terry Mann.

mythology - The stories we tell are who we are. The stories we told are who we were.

nanowrimo - National Novel Writing Month. A good way to go crazy and try to write an entire novel in one month. I did it in 2005 and fully intend to do it in 2006.

omgwtfpolarbear - The very snarky side of Lost.

philosophy - I consider majoring in philosophy for a time. I can't resist probing the deep questions, even if there are no real answers.

pirates - Arrrrrr!

poking badgers with spoons - An original sin, invented by Eddie Izzard.

polisci - My actual major.

politics - If you aren't concerned about who has the power and why you haven't been paying attention.

random karmic elephants - A secret society that is after me because I know too much. ;)

recreational literary criticism - Also know as "bitching about books."

robin mckinley - A wonderful author. Writes fairy tale/legend type fantasy books. Loved her books as a kid and still do.

rosencrantz & guildenstern - Two characters from Hamlet and from "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead," my absolute favorite play.

sega - Join the 16 Bit Revolution!

shakespeare - Partly because I enjoy Shakespeare and partly because I am an intellectual snob and want everyone to know it.

spain - The country. I lived there last summer, in case you haven't been paying attention.

the bourne identity - Revealing my weakness for spy novels, my favorite example of the genre. By Robert Ludlum. The movie wasn't bad either, although I couldn't cope with the sequel.

the laramie project - Absolutely brilliant play. Everyone should see it if they get the opportunity.

the universe - What goes between life and everything?

the west wing - The smartest show on TV.

theatre - (see "acting")

vids - Why not cut apart a film or TV show and set it to music. The result will probably be better than anything on MTV, I'll tell you that much.

writing - Story telling, really. Oh, and my minor.

wtf national park - Mountains, plains, snow.... what the fuck are those sand dunes doing here?
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