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Apr 28, 2006 12:15

watched real face film clip..i'm imagining things like a love triangle btwen akamekoki..it's like..jin knew that kame is close to koki n bcoz of that, he also started to bcome close with koki..the promise sign where u crossed ur pinky finger with someone,..it's..weird..
one day, me n my sisters were talking n suddenly gay issues come up...i 4got y..she started saying that kame is gay..n i object it saying that kame is straight..(although i really wish wat she said r true)..n told her just bcoz im always bz telling stuff about akame akame..i'm telling u, they r "close" mayb just 4 fun or to attract or smthing i dunno..besides, kame always talked about how he want to be a father..
if u guys c all the old akame pict, i can c that their friendship r pure n not fake..even any tv shows showing a bit of the "akame-ness"..i can c how fond kame r 2ward jin..he's like the 'kusano' n jin r like 'kame' in the old days..
-the face to face thingy in taiwan
-the okinawa trip..when kazapon mention sukibito
-the shyness when jin compliment him
~sigh~wish there is SMTHING..
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